<p>(<strong>I would not actually stop playing piano, I would just stop taking lessons and practicing as much</strong>) </p>
<p>I've been rather confused on whether I should continue piano lessons...I really don't have the determination to play seriously, even though I won a few small scholarships and got accepted into the honor program. I just lack the dedication and passion. My mom says its just for an hour a day, but still, I could use that hour for something else that I truly love to do and want to do. I would be so much happier focusing more on visual arts and science, and play piano occasionally for fun, not for looking good on a college application... Stopping lessons would save me a lot of stress and make me a lot happier, but is that stress/unhappiness worth completing the piano honor program for? Will it really help me that much for future success? Is it essential to get into a good college? I play violin also, but I don't have to do solo performances or juries, which makes it a lot less stressful. </p>
<p>Thanks for any advice :) </p>
<p>I’m guessing you’re involved with other things? Either way, you clearly don’t like playing the piano (so much, anyway), so you really shouldn’t. Do what you love and you’ll love what you do. </p>
<p>It seems that you’re really good at playing piano
But from personal experience, if you don’t have the passion for it anymore, I would quit. Without passion, you can’t really do your best in it. Unless you’re looking to major in music somehow I would stop taking lessons. I’m stopping piano lessons this year as well, but I’m also practicing at home on my own to my own piano pieces
First consider yourself, not the colleges!</p>
<p>If you want to you can. I quit taking piano lessons my freshman year of high school, but I still play in the jazz band and on my own for fun. I couldn’t take the stress and time commitment of lessons, especially since I take private lessons on a different instrument too.</p>
<p>We encouraged our kids to stay involved with one musical activity, but since it wasn’t their passion, felt no need for them to do two. So both stayed in choir and quit piano around 9th grade. Now… your parents may feel differently, they have invested a lot of money in lessons over the years and are finally seeing you get to the point where you are accomplishing something. You could consider quitting violin instead… but if I were you I would make the case that one music EC is enough and you prefer violin (if that is true). Your mom may not give in easily, though…</p>
<p>Also, 1 hour/day is 6% of your waking hours. Or 14% of the time you have between after school and bedtime, assuming that is 7 hours total. That is a lot to give to something you don’t enjoy, IMHO. So when your mom says it is “just” 1 hour, you could point that out. Again… might not get much traction. But worth a try.</p>
<p>I’ve approached my mom on this topic a few times, and she says I can make my own choice, but she always goes on and on about how my chances of being successful will go down, and that I’ll regret it, etc…</p>