Would saying I'm transgender be a hook for HYPS?

Hi all. I have finished applying to the colleges I had planned on applying to, which included some lower top 20 schools and reaches. As I was applying, I noticed many colleges (such as Dartmouth) ask specific questions about sexual preference and gender identity (or lack thereof, whatever that means). The fact that they ask this suggests that they are not only willing, but eager to accept people who differ from the norm in these categories (I am not one of those). This annoyed me, though, because 1) should they really be rewarding these thoughts and behaviors? and 2) there is no concrete evidence to back up claims of being one way or another; it’s all based on how you think.
My question is: will colleges, in the name of diversity, have lower admissions standards for people who say they are transgender?
I know normally I would have no chance at getting into Harvard, Princeton, or Stanford because I don’t really have any hooks, and I have not applied. But given that I am within shooting range (SAT above 2200, top 5% of class), if I rewrite my common app essay (which before was pretty generic) to be about struggling with gender identity, and say everyone at my school is intolerant so I didn’t come out (which is why there’s nothing about this in my recommendations from guidance counselor, etc.), but these colleges are accepting so I can “be myself” when I get there there, I feel like I might increase my chances.
Then, if I get in, I can just say “I was questioning for a while but ultimately decided that I can live with my assigned gender” or something of that nature. Do you think they will fall for this?

“The fact that they ask this suggests that they are not only willing, but eager to accept people who differ from the norm in these categories”

This doesn’t follow logically at all. Maybe they just want to collect some statistics on their incoming class, to better provide services? Or any number of other reasons that don’t imply they are giving certain groups a boost in admissions.

The moment you write something like "Do you think they will fall for this? "
a) the answer is most likely “No”
b) you probably should take a step back and think about it what kind of person you want to be.

So, you want to lie about your gender identity for the sole purpose of getting into an elite college, and you somehow think they’ll accept despite no evidence in your applications and all your recommendations referring to you by your actual gender identity?

Not only would this not work, but gender identity and sexuality are generally not “hooks”. The generally accepted hooks for colleges include low SES, URMs, legacy status, athletic ability, etc.

Do you really not see any issue in what you’re thinking of doing?

ETA: xposted with Nick

You do know that gender is not just a thought/behavior??

I know gender identity is not an official hook, for this exact reason; people like me would just check off the box without needing real evidence (yeah, maybe my lack of evidence is a problem). But in several of the admissions talks I have been to, the colleges have emphasized they want the student body to be diverse in many ways, including things like gender identity. I know admissions is holistic, even though saying it may not boost me in the formula, it’s possible some admissions counselor will read it and say “hey, this person is kinda unique, let’s accept him/her.” Also, the fact that they say a lot of stuff on their website about the trans community suggests there actually exists one there, and I’m sure that without this affirmative action, very few transgender people would actually be smart enough to get into a HYPS school.

But you have a point; I have no evidence, so they may not believe me. So yeah, I might skip it.

I dont think you can determine who’s smart enough to get into HYPS…

“I’m sure that without this affirmative action, very few transgender people would actually be smart enough to get into a HYPS school.”

Evidence for this little gem? You make a lot of assumptions about stuff you know nothing about.

You know, instead of lying about your gender identity, you could, I dont know, show them talent in some area, maybe writing, music, or art? Blow everyone else out of the water with a stunning essay? If you dont have this, maybe you’re not ‘smart’ enough either.

Pardon my language, but what the hell is this?

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Clarification: I didn’t mean that none of them are smart enough. But to get into a HYPS college these days, you need not only intelligence, but emotional maturity, discipline, and self-control. All of the transgender people I have met, including the intelligent ones, lack that. That makes sense; you need to be pretty messed up to want to actually change your sex despite all of the health risks and complications.

Are you serious? You clearly state you’re not transgender but plan to somehow convince colleges you are in one essay? Not only would they likely see through this, you would be lying to boost your application and risk being rescinded/rejected. I highly doubt being transgender would even get you into a college you otherwise wouldn’t get in to. Lying about it and then suddenly changing your mind if you get accepted is a terrible idea and I can’t believe you would consider doing so. In short, no, they will not “fall for it” and it won’t be what makes them accept you.

You know, AA may seem unfair, but we should understand that most URMs just did not have the chances their white peers did at being taught from an early age an expansive vocab, worldly knowledge, etc… it’s a viscous cycle of how being an URM gives you very little opportunity in most areas due to institutionalized racism. Yes, kids should be getting admitted based on merit, but much of the potential a lot of URMs have are squandered due to circumstances insinuated by race. If we allow them into top schools, their chances at having that knowledge have been increased dramatically, therefore having the ability to teach their future URM children everything they’ve learned at Yale, Harvard, etc… not to mention prestige overshadows a lot of bias a prospective employer might have due to race, expanding their financial opportunities, thus breaking the aforementioned cycle.

Isn’t there a bridge somewhere you should be hiding under?
(Directed at the OP, if that wasn’t obvious)

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Yup, the Ivy League is looking for transphobic, intolerant, deceiving applicants this year! You’re in luck!

@stannisdamannis Lol, yeah, really convincing… Do you know ANY psychology PhD recipients who would say this? No, because it’s incorrect, and you obviously havent done any research.

@StannistheMannis PLEASE stay away from any college I might attend

also, @NickFlynn are you Nick Flynn as in the writer?

No, he stole my name grin

@okon2122 Look up Ray Blanchard. He’s an Ivy Leaguer.

He still does not address transgenders as ‘immature’ or ‘really messed up’ … he merely hypothesizes there are alternative reasons for their sexual identity not stemming from a genuine desire to be of the opposite sex.