Would these be considered hooks?

<p>You said that you’re a freshman, right? Definitely go for the captain position or whatever and remain in the position for the rest of your high school career (if possible). Long term ECs are your best bet.</p>

<p>Yes, i am a freshman. Chances are i will have a much better chance at the position after next year due to a large number of juniors in the club. Currently in 5 ECs that i plan on sticking too the rest of the way + tennis outside school since 5th grade (Our tennis team is amazing, i will try out though xD). Maybe i should join DECA or SciOly? Those have competitions at the national level like forensics, so would colleges way that more heavily than being a writer for the newspaper and member of the Foreign Language Club and JSU.</p>

<p>I plan to attend some summer sport camps at colleges near me and maybe go to a forensics one to help me improve to have a break out soph season haha. </p>

<p>Btw, thanks for all your insight you guys! It’s very much appreciated!</p>

<p>Yeah, i guess we’ve kind of exhausted the topic, so my conclusion is that you still have 3 years left to keep your application strong! So don’t worry about these hooks, and the info we’ve given you here will be useful when you’re applying, but don’t expect them to get you in. Good luck in all your future H.S. ventures!</p>

<p>Thanks! Good Luck getting into your dream schools!</p>