Would these CC classes count in my UC gpa? I really hope not

<p>During the summer, I took Principles of International Business and Small Business Management at Mt. SAC. I got As in both classes, but I don’t think they would count in my UC GPA im sure or am I? But the main thing that is getting me worried is my “C” in microeconomics. It’s my first C ever and when I asked the counselor he said it didn’t count for HS graduation requirements of econ, but it might go in the “G” section for the UC part. So far, I’m afraid my microecon C will count in my UC GPA, but if all 3 of my classes are weighted + added in I’ll be happy. Out of the 3 classes I’ve taken, do you guys know if they’re all weighted and added into my UC gpa?</p>

<p>If your high school has that C on record and it's in your official high school transcript.. Most likely it'll be factored into your UC GPA (considering it does go into the "G" section).</p>

<p>From my understanding, CC classes are treated like AP classes and you are given an extra point.. However, don't forget that the UC GPA only weighs 8 semester of AP/honors/CC courses. So if you've already used up all 8 semesters, then that C could really hurt you.</p>

<p>When did you take that CC class? The summer after your 1st year? Then you shouldn't sweat but otherwise if it is the summer after your high school junior year then most likely, it would count. 1 C doesn't really do much damage to your application as long as you have the "other" factors up to par. Make sure you counter that with higher SAT scores or longer hours of community service.</p>

<p>I think I'm done...I have a UC gpa of 3.91 and yes I've used up all my honors 8 semester thing since I've taken 4 APs and pretty much all honors up to my junior year. Yes I got the C and 2 As this summer. If I calculated correctly...my UC GPA would drop to a 3.84 with 3 of those grades... :(</p>

<p>Well I still didn't deliver any transcripts to my school yet so possibly it won't get computed, but in the UC applications dont' you have to mention that I went to 2 community colleges and the grade for that class?</p>

<p>What if you just don't mention it and don't count it for HS credit either. I mean, if you've used up your extra weighted pts, then CC classes won't necessarily help that much (then again, you are below 4.0)</p>

<p>sure I may not just mention it, but i thought on the UC applications they ask for all the institutions you've been to and they have a database of who's registered in each community college. If I don't mention I took those classes wouldn't they still find out? On the application, doesn't it say that failure to mention the CCs you've been to can lead to rejection?</p>

<p>The cc classes have their own cc GPA. You must report all cc classes and send transcripts for each school attended. It is not worth the risk of leaving the class out. No classes taken outside of the UC will be included in your UC GPA, but they are still a part of your academic record and will always be requested (and must be sent) for any and all future academic applications.</p>

<p>Does that mean turn in all my transcripts to my high school or should I just hold onto them until the UCs ask while filling out that I took those classes on the application?</p>

<p>The thing is, the UC's won't ask unless you specify. If your high school doesn't have a record, and you don't mention it, then for administration purposes, you never took the class. Heck, if it were that easy to get information about your grades from these JCs they wouldn't be asking for $15 to send in the official transcript. I would still take collegemom's advice seriously, but in my own recollection of doing the app, and from the way it seems the UCs handle things, it wouldn't look to me that they'd ever notice.</p>

<p>I'm slightly getting confused on how this works so I'll get right to it. What would you do in my situation?</p>

<p>Again, consider what collegemom said seriously, but what I would've done was I probably would not have sent it. I had a CC class that was not so good either (it was senior year), and I had fulfilled the HS and UC requirements for the class. I sent it in because I wrote it on my application that I took the class and unless I wanted to be revoked from my colleges I had to send it in. They tell you that you have to send in all the things you report, but when I was doing the application/post application, I found that a lot of the things that UC does are based on trusting you in the interim: simply put, they don't have the resources to check all your CC classes and such. If they couldn't even verify my HS transcripts, how would they have known what my CC ones were unless I sent them in? There are a lot more worse things that you could do that would get you in trouble. I don't think this is one of them. Once more, I would totally take what collegemom is saying very much to heart, and the best way to know for sure is to call an adcom instead of asking people on here who can only give advice based on their experiences and what they believe will happen.</p>

<p>Agree with collegemom. You risk much by not reporting it.</p>

<p>are classes taken in the summer between after junior year and before senior year considered in your UC GPA? I would think that would be considered your summer for senior year and not count in the 10-11th grade UC GPA. Anyone know the answer to this?</p>

<p>If they meet the a-g requirements, they are calculated into your UC GPA. I know UC's have that 10-11 thing but really, it's 10-12th summer.</p>

<p>However, it's a different story if you took the course at CC. You could just not report it at all but as mentioned numerous times above, it's a risk.</p>

<p>You'll be able to find more info about this once the applications open up. They have a whole guideline on how they calculate GPA and whatnot.</p>

<p>What if you took an English 4 adult high school class 12th grade summer to graduate early? Hopefully that doesn't count because I thought it wouldn't so I got B's...</p>

<p>As I recall a discussion by the UCD admissions rep who posts here, classes taken during the summer after junior year are counted as senior year classes for UC purposes, but I'm not certain about that. Why not call the admissions office at a UC anonymously and ask? You'll probably wait on hold for awhile, but the UCLA reps to whom I have spoken have been very nice and very helpful. </p>

<p>DON'T, DON'T DON'T omit the classes on your application. It's not worth taking the chance of being admitted, then having your admission rescinded for fraud.</p>

<p>I called UCLA's admission office and after a 13 minute wait the girl there told me that the summer after junior year counts in your UC GPA. Great....I should've taken microecon Pass or Fail. Too bad something I took for fun so I can get a better vision of econ for AP Macro this year ended up as a C and dropped my UC GPA from 3.91 to 3.84. I guess it's the thought that counts though, I'm owning AP Macroeconomics now :)</p>

<p>Take a look at this


<p>Did you weight that C? Remember CC classes are treated like AP courses and are therefore a weighted grade. A grade of B is not a bad grade, LOL! Plus the very fact that you had the interest to take a college level course is a big plus on your UC application. You most likely would gain points for taking advantage of your educational opportunities. So don't fret, it was a good idea. Report your grade you will be fine.</p>

<p>^I think he has all the weighted credit that he can get. </p>

<p>@OP, I don't think the drop is that precipitous. Sure that's 100 or so pts off the UCSD pt system, but if your other stuff was good anyways, you wouldn't have been borderline. A 3.8 is still competitive in most UCs, and if most of them realize that the drop happened because of one class, I'm sure they can be a bit more conciliatory. Oh, but don't write it on the PS unless you're absolutely sure you have nothing better to write.</p>