Would This Be A Good Self-Study Plan?

<p>I'm thinking of self-studying German since my HS doesn't have the course. Since last year I've noticed languages aren't that difficult for me so I decided to take this along with Latin II (which will be done at school). I'm hoping to get good enough to take the AP German test my senior year so this is my plan for now. Any advice would be deeply appreciated.</p>

<p>-Textbook: Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill's Deutsch, Na Klar!
<a href="https://www.mheonline.com/program/view/3/15/1223/007353532X/%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://www.mheonline.com/program/view/3/15/1223/007353532X/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>-Dictionary: Barron's German-English </p>

<p>-An hour a day or more devoted to German (including school holidays and summer)</p>

<p>-A notebook for translations and notes on harder information</p>

<p>-reading the German children's books at the library</p>

<p>-translating the adult books in the German section of the library</p>

<p>-A Rosetta Stone German program someone in my family never used (I just saved it from going to the town dump ^^)</p>

<p>-German movies to hear the pronunciation of words and translating songs</p>

<p>-Books about the country's history</p>

<p>It looks like a solid plan. If possible, take classes at the local Goethe Institut, CC, or German/international school to help your speaking. Check out CB’s prep book for AP German, too! Good luck!</p>