I made a skit out of the Torah portion Pinchas that everyone said was really funny but also explained the portion as well. I think that it shows off a good snapshot of who I am and stuff I do, but I’m not sure if it’s exactly the right thing to put in the “your space” or not. Thanks.
My D and I just did the info session and tour last week, so I have no inside information- just wanted to say that it sounds like a great piece to choose for the section. I’ll be curious to hear what others say… Good luck!
Maybe you could include it in a video that has some other information about you and your interests and then the skit as an example of the kinds of things you like to do.
If you feel it represents you, I think it is the perfect thing for Your Space. I submitted a very similar list of photos I’d taken with explanations of why they were important to me. The photos were just taken with my phone camera, so they weren’t anything special. But the descriptions showed a lot about me that I couldn’t express in other parts of the application. Nothing you could put will hurt you (unless it is deeply disturbing, perhaps). Most of my friends didn’t include anything at all.