Would UC's take you out of running if they see a C and B I received during freshman year?

And I know they calculate GPA by 10th-11th grade grades, but do you submit or do they look at your 9-11th grade gpa? And if you do submit those, do they look at weighted or unweighted 9-11th grades? Thank you for any sorts of help!

Wasn’t this answered to your satisfaction when you asked several times before?




Im aware, but the questions are different

You submit all grades from all a-g courses taken 9-11th grades. The grades from 9th for the a-g courses are checked to make sure you passed and they fulfill the a-g requirements. They calculate GPA based on 10-11th grades and weight the UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses taken 10-11th grade. They do not weight your Freshman courses even if you have taken UC approved weighted courses.

A C and a B Freshman year for an a-g course is passing so no it will not take you out of the running.

Thank you so much! So basically the GPA they use to determine acceptance is the UC GPA only?

UC’s are going to look at all your grades but your UC GPA is the GPA they consider when evaluating your application. They will also look at HS course rigor including Senior year, your test scores, essays, EC’s, special talents etc… The UC website states the 14 areas of criteria used by the UC’s to review/evaluate your application but GPA is one of the most important areas for consideration.

Thank you very much!

none - a single C as a freshman won’t hurt your chances at any UC. Going forward, choose your courses carefully so you can keep your GPA high. Yes, that means sandbag a bit…An A in Stat beats a C in Calc…

good luck.