Would you cancel your score if...

<p>I've asked this before (w/o success in someone else's thread)
If you were looking at top colleges knew that you would get 800 math, 720+ CR, and about 600 for writing, would you cancel the test? </p>

<p>Situation: I thought I did pretty well overall, except that I thought I had 10 more minutes on my essay (meaning no conc, incomplete 3rd body paragraph and thesis statement). Is 3 a reasonable score for the essay? I couldn't find any conclusive scoring guide for unfinished essays. </p>

<p>Do those top colleges look at each section separately? Could I make up for the bad writing on my next test, or is it a better choice for me to just cancel this and hope for the best in May? What would YOU do?</p>

<p>Thank you so much!</p>

<p>I wouldn't cancel if you paid me $100.</p>

<p>I would definately not cancel that test. Your composite score is over 2100. The CB will report all your test scores to colleges, but as with the "old" SAT, I expect that most colleges will take your highest score in each section, which means you already (potentially) have two scores over 700. If you can improve your writing for your next test, then you'll be able to have a really good "final" score.</p>

<p>wow, that's the most disgusting score i have ever seen. i would do better than that when i sleep walk. Your scores are disgusting. </p>

<p>are you crazy? many people would kill for that score!</p>

<p>don't cancel.</p>

<p>just retake it to improve ur writing</p>

<p>Don't cancel</p>

<p>You all must understand that the essay has is a big part of the writing section (and 3 is a "good" score considering it's so unfinished and even bad). Verbal prolly is lower, too...<br>
Thanks for all the comments. I'll just bite the bullet and see how it comes out.</p>