<p>Which of the following would you write count under the total amount of community service hours:</p>
<li><p>Revision Club: teach younger students in the year, and help them achieve 2 grades higher than what they are currently are at (e.g. C to A) [240 hours]</p></li>
<li><p>Guitar Club: set up a free club where students can learn guitar for free, instead of having to go to a club, which runs at the same time, which requires you to pay around 300 USD for 3 months of learning [160 hours]</p></li>
<li><p>Business: help create eco-friendly household appliances from glass because there are no mainstream recyclers where I live [500 hours]</p></li>
<p>With these added to my community service hours I will have around 1500 hours on my application (these make 900; I have 400 from my summer job and 100 or so from other miscellaneous endeavors). Without these I may only have 500 or 600. </p>
<p>Which of these would you count under your community service hours if not all, and is 1500 a good amount considering I have only done each of them for 2 years?</p>
<p>Thanks! :D</p>