<p>beginning of august</p>
<p>WYR climb mt everest or touch the bottom of the marianas trench?</p>
<p>beginning of august</p>
<p>WYR climb mt everest or touch the bottom of the marianas trench?</p>
<p>climb mt. everest. </p>
<p>WYR kill your #1 best friend or kill your second fav best friend</p>
<p>2nd favorite best friend.</p>
<p>Would you rather be stranded in an airport, or in a train station?</p>
<p>Train station....never been to one. </p>
<p>Would you rather cut off your own hand or be born without legs.</p>
<p>Be born without legs.</p>
<p>Have a billion dollars and be miserable or have the best job in the world and be relatively poor?</p>
<p>best job in the world and be relatively poor</p>
<p>discover the cure for aids or discover the cure for cancer</p>
<p>Cancer. </p>
<p>Would you rather type really fast and have nothing useful/important to write, or type really slowly and have many useful/important things to write?</p>
<p>Have useful things to write and type slowly.</p>
<p>Would you rather gain power by propaganda or be right about something and unable to convince anyone?</p>
<p>I'd rather be right and unable to convince anyone.</p>
<p>Would you rather read a book by Robert Heinlein or by Arthur C. Clarke?</p>
<p>Would you rather be brilliant at a mediocre school, or mediocre at a brilliant school?</p>
<p>Mediocre at a brilliant school</p>
<p>Would you rather rule the world or destroy the world?</p>
<p>Rule the world, duhh.</p>
<p>Would you rather eat all your fingernails or toenails?</p>
<p>fingernails </p>
<p>would you rather be the popular kid or the brilliant kid (assuming you can't be both)?</p>
<p>Brilliant kid, because I've noticed the pattern of the popular kids not being popular later in life and having nothing to fall back on, like brains.</p>
<p>WYR have a cat or a dog?</p>
<p>Just a note: all the other games of "Would you rather" that I've played in my life have been a LOT dirtier than this.</p>
<p>dog (remember cowtipper1 we are on a forum about college admissions lol)</p>
<p>WYR die from cancer or die from being shot?</p>
<p>if its a nice clean one in the temple, shot</p>
<p>be allergic to your significant other or be allergic to your best friend</p>
<p>significant other--</p>
<p>WYR be asexual or transexual?</p>
<p>Would you rather have a large room but have to share it with a sibling, or have a small room all to yourself?</p>
<p>Small room all to myself.</p>
<p>WYR have 10 kids or none at all?</p>
<p>None, unless I get my moral values straightened out. After which I'd want ten. Adopted, of course. Not going through that ten times.</p>
<p>Would you rather have a name beginning with an "X" or a "Z"?</p>