im currently in a community college and i’m really hoping to finish taking up all the required classes to transfer to a university in 2 years. i had an appointment with a counselor and for the university i want to go to and i still have to take all the gen ed classes.
what do you think of taking up those gen ed classes (arts, etc.) during the summer, leaving the “heavier” subjects (chem, calc, physics, etc.) for the regular fall and spring semesters? and if i actually were to choose to take summer classes, how many classes would you recommend i take? just 1 or more?
thank you 
That sounds like a great idea. My suggestion is to look at your personal schedule and think about how you can manage your time. Include work, obligations and how much time you truly know you have to dedicate to your classes and take a reasonable number that you will be able to handle. Only you know the answer to how many classes you can be successful at over the summer. Good luck!
Yes. But you may think again about the subjects to take.
- You may want to save easy general education classes to take later during regular semesters. Mixing easy classes and hard classes will make your workload more manageable.
- You may want to take the core classes to prepare for your major after you transfer. Sometimes it's easier to concentrate on one hard class during the summer. But you have to be aware summer classes have shorter time and they can be harder.
- Maximum two classes. One only if it's a hard class.