Would you reject Harvard (ivy league)?

<p>I never quite got the whole, nerd, geek, dork, dweeb differentiation.</p>

<p>Well it depends…</p>

<p>Will I get a full ride scholarship? </p>

<p>If not, no. Even though I can see so many pros about attending an Ivy League, I rather be without a massive debt than have one and not enjoy post-college life</p>


<p>Nerd, geek, and dork have different word origins. Nerd originally meant someone who is smart, geek originally meant someone who had a huge amount of knowledge on one particular subject (today this subject is usually computers), and dork originally meant someone who was socially awkward.</p>

<p>I doubt I would reject acceptance to a top university mainly because these schools would be the cheapest for me. Why would I give up paying less and going to a better school?</p>

<p>In regards to the question at hand, I would probably turn down Harvard for MIT, CalTech, Berkeley, Stanford, or most of the other Ivies. I hear that the crowd there is very pretentious and anal-retentive, as well as arrogant. If Harvard was the only one of those to accept me (highly unlikely) I’d go there.</p>

<p>No, because I’m in love with my top school/the school I’m going to. Besides, turning a Harvard acceptance down still gives you some bragging rights.
But yeah, agreeing with the perception of it as snooty, I imagine the student body as cold and intimidating and when not studying, over at their yacht clubs.</p>



<p>lol @ people who think they’re so rich that they will get little to no aid from harvard (and other similarly elite schools) that they call it an expensive school</p>

<p>Of course I’d like to be intelligent and dedicated enough to go to Harvard, but I’m not. If I could go, I would be wasting my money because there’s no way I would last 4 years there.</p>

<p>Harvard profs aren’t necessarily better than others. I knew a prof who had taught at both Harvard and a party school. It’s not like he was any worse while teaching at the party school than at Harvard.</p>

<p>Anyway, I’m pretty sure most of the people at Harvard have good social skills. Unless you’re a savant, you can’t get that far in life without social skills. What bothers me is that they’re so Type A and unwilling to relax.</p>



<p>Maybe this will help. <a href=“http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/nerd-venn-diagram-20110626-192132.jpg[/url]”>http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/nerd-venn-diagram-20110626-192132.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>LOLOL^^^ that just made my day</p>

<p>Is everyone at Harvard as snooty as y’all portray them to be? When I was there for a campus tour, they seemed eager to help and very driven/enthusiastic people.</p>

<p>Yeah, I thought only people with great personalities get into Harvard.</p>

<p>I’m sure any engineer applicant would turn down Harvard if he/she had any idea of good and bad engineering schools.</p>

<p>I would reject Harvard, I simply not interested also, it’s really expensive.</p>

<p>I think that if your household makes less than a certain amount of money, they cover your tuition.</p>

<p>^ They are very generous with financial aid.</p>

<p>So is my dream school, MIT. Right now, if your family makes less than $75k a year, tuition is paid in full. I qualify, and I probably still will by the time college application roles around in a few years. My father’s been out of a job for five years and my mother makes $12/hour as a hostess.</p>

<p>^^What’s MIT???
I would turn them down cause I want to be around people I can actually relates to and not a bunch of high level college student (I would crack under the competition). Other reasons: Location, money, purpose.</p>

<p>Descuff I really hope you aren’t serious</p>