<p>My son didn't get a "full ride", but by the end of his first year, it was close to a full ride. He is attending an out of state college (WVU), just across the border from us so he commutes. His choice school (Penn State) didn't offer anything!</p>
<p>His offer last year at WVU was: Academic Excellence L1 Waiver $8,000.00 ~ Fed Direct Sub Loan $1,708.00 ~ WVU Acad Enhancement Grant $2,500.00 ~ Pennsylvania Grant $600.00 ~ WV Mining & Reclaim (COMER) $1,500.00 ~ WVU Academic Grant $1,000.00 ~ American Postal Workers Union, AFO-CIO $1,000.00 (Personal Scholarship won for 4 years) I am assuming these will all stay the same, except for the FED Direct Sub. Loan....</p>
<p>We took the student loan of $2030 because we didn't know any better... He received departmental scholarships and grants that paid for everything ~ He was sent $2030 for overpayment on his account and the school sent $300+ as payment on his student loan. He didn't have work study.</p>
<p>He is a freshman, considered a Junior ~ He had enough credits through AP Courses, Upward Bound, and Pennsylvania Dual Enrollment Program to boost him up to a Junior is second semester of his first year.</p>
<p>He hasn't recieved his package yet for the upcoming year ~ we are a little nervous since this is our first college student and do not know what to expect on the second year of financial aid. Our EFC has be lowered from 4240 last year to 619 this year, so he qualifies for additional grants and scholarships ~ SMART Grant since he is considered a Junior. A PELL Grant ($3,660.00) has already been alloted to his account for this coming fall. </p>
<p>My son's intellegence comes naturally, but he and I still had to work and plan for what he acheived! Through all of his hard work, he is finally reaping the benefits. He knew he wanted out of college with the least possible bill ~ after every AP Exam he knew he saved this amount of $$$$ ~</p>
<p>He will also have a fantastic co-op opportunity that offered to pay the rest of his schooling (whatever is left) and any additional degrees he would like to further his education ~ we are still waiting for details of that... They had the program a few years back, but stopped it and are currently working to get it implemented again.</p>