Oh what the heck, I’ll jump on the intro bandwagon. 
Good student in HS (AP, etc.) until the middle of my junior year - you can literally draw a line in my transcript where I got my car that year and my social life became the main focus. My GPA plummeted my senior year since I already had enough credits to graduate the previous year and as long as I passed English and Govt/Econ I was in the clear. At the time I had dreams of becoming an architect, but since my architecture class was during 0 period (7:15 am - boy did that cut into my sleeping time) I really screwed myself. I had been planning to apply to USC and had I kept my grades up, should have been a shoe-in. But my social life was more fun, I wasn’t in a hurry to go to college or start a career, and I just let it all go to enjoy being young.
Not long after graduation I moved out of my parents’ house, but I was still in my hometown and thought having my own apartment was uber-awesome. I worked graveyard at a hospital making more money than most of my friends make even now (surprising since it was an admin job) and I enrolled at the community college but again, wasn’t really invested, so I dropped all of my classes except for my music and drama ones. Same thing happened the following semester, and I eventually stopped going to deal with working and paying off the credit card debt I had amassed in the past year - another fun lesson in being young.
After some other personal events, I moved home and realized I really wanted to be back in school, so I enrolled again and had a 4.0 for that semester. My hometown is essentially a black hole and I knew I had to get out, so I set my sights on SDSU and their newly created Musical Theater degree and moved 6 hours south to attend CC and then transfer. Things started out great but again, social activities were front and center and I dropped out. I was still working (another hospital) and was doing fine so I figured it just wasn’t the right time. I got married, got pregnant, and got divorced all before I was 22.
Having my daughter was my trigger - I wanted to give her the best life possible, and even though I had a new job in research and all my managers and coworkers thought I was extremely bright and capable, I was limited in career and salary opportunities without a degree. It’s been hard working, going to school, and raising her all my own, but I’ve done it almost non-stop since 2004, although I took a year off when I moved to TX so I could get settled, establish residency and save on tuition. As difficult and frustrating as the path has been, I’ve had the time to learn and grow from life in general, and I am so thankful I didn’t go straight off to college and major in something I was apathetic about, or risk burning out from back-to-back years of rigorous coursework.
So here I am: I’m 28, a single mom, full time clinical research employee, a Psych major (BS), pre-med, and still figuring out my minor (it’s required for my BS, leaning towards biology but biomedical engineering seems awesome, if it’s allowed). I’m an honors student with a 3.6 GPA and Phi Theta Kappa member, very involved in local politics and volunteer in my community, often with the kiddo in tow. I still haven’t figured out the timetable to finish my degree - I want to keep working so I have income to support us and have health insurance, but that drastically reduces my schedule availability and adds years to my degree completion. But I’ll figure it out, and after that I’ll figure out how to pull off med-school, even if it means I’m 50 before I go.
Finding the CC boards has been a lifesaver, I can vent, get advice, share my neurotic habit of checking my transfer status page 50+ times a day - it’s reassuring and therapeutic. And with that, I’m off to enjoy a glass of wine before catching some sleep and studying all weekend for a calculus exam.