Wow, i'm going crazy

<p>Iv’e been trying to decide between UCSB and UCI for the past 3 weeks and I cannot decide and am about to go crazy. I visited both schools and find that UCSB is the one I would prefer IF it didn’t have that party school reputation. I’m a very serious student and want to be taken seriously after graduation. I feel that UCI is stronger in biology. I am planning to go to UCLA or USC for dental school.</p>

<p>Some pros for UCSB:

  1. Well Balanced (good academics and has a social life)
  2. Near the beach
  3. Good physics programs…
  4. Further from home
    Cons of UCSB:
  5. Party school reputation</p>

<p>Pros for UCI:

  1. Good bio program
  2. New looking campus and a greater chance to move up in ranks
    Cons of UCI:
  3. Social life
  4. Too close to home
  5. Lack of diversity</p>

<p>What do you guys think I should do? I really cannot decide. Does anyone know how the bio department is at UCSB as I could not find any information about it on the 14th. Do you really think that the party school reputation will hurt me in the long run? Please, any input appreciated.</p>

<p>Personally I'd go with UCI. UCSB isn't a very diverse campus either, it's just white kid central instead of asian central. I doubt the party school reputation will hurt you in the long run as UCSB is a great school. But, like you said UCI probably has a better chance at moving up in the rankings. I've also heard UCI has a pretty good bio program.</p>

<p>You can't go wrong with either school.</p>

<p>"It's just white kid central instead of asian central."</p>

<p>Wow, I hope that isn't making you choose UCI over UCSB. Both are good schools, but I've been to both; I'd go with UCSB. The "diversity" at UCI was a bit shocking the first time. It's really personal (have you been to both?), but I'd feel more "comfortable" at UCSB.</p>

<p>ucsb is by far the better choice</p>

<p>I didn't get into UCSB so I don't get to choose between the two. I'm white so I'd definitely feel more comfortable at UCSB, but everytime I've been to UCI the whole asian thing everyone always says isn't that noticeable. I visited UCSB, the campus is nice (if not a little bit rundown) and the location is great. But, I couldn't stand the whole partying thing for four years and living in Isla Vista.</p>

<p>Your list is making UCSB look a lot more appealing. The only "con" of UCSB, according to you, is the party scene reputation, which can easily be changed or overlooked. I've heard that it's not the actual school that's party-hard central but Isla Vista, which is like a college town nearby. You shouldn't worry about the school's reputation either because its academic reputation exceeds the party reputation where it REALLY counts (i.e: grad school, resumes, etc.)</p>

<p>Yeah, if the only thing negative you can think of is a social-scene reputation than that seems to be the way to go.</p>

<p>I eliminated UCI immediately from my choices because its a big commuter school so there aren't even a lot of people there to hang out with let alone party with on the weekends</p>

<p>Yea, UCI is anti-social because of the commuter aspect. I am Puerto Rican/white so I do feel more comfortable at UCSB. UCI's asian population is a bit of a turn off because I know that some asian groups don't easily accept other races (this is a generalization). This would make my life even more anti-social because it may be harder to make friends. All races have these groups, not just asians.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how the SB bio program is?</p>

<p>It's marine biology program is top-notch. Can't comment on the department as a whole though.</p>