wow what a dumb question

<p>is it true that buying a university sweater before u get admitted is bad luck? [=</p>


<p>everyone I ever knew who bought a university sweater before getting admitted got flat out rejected.</p>

<p>sorry, better return it before the return policy expires.</p>

<p>I’m not sure if its bad luck, but you really don’t want to take for granted that you’re going to get in. Not only is it cocky, but how silly would you feel if you don’t get in? I had some Cornell stuff because I had been visiting family here since I was little and I did the summer program, but I hid it between the time I submitted my app and got accepted because I really didn’t want the reminder all the time, and I didn’t want to risk facing it in my closet if I was rejected.</p>

<p>I don’t think it matters… I wear shirts of schools I’m not applying to because I would never got into. Even if I got rejected by Cornell, I might still wear my Cornell shirt or chew Big Red gum.</p>

<p>wow… this sucks
i just bought myself a Rice t-shirt and hat… MAJOR BAD LUCK</p>

<p>Does anyone here watch the Office??</p>

<p>If You’re Not a Cornellian You Shouldn’t Sport Cornell Gear</p>

<p>It is the episode where Dwight is applying to the Agrilcultural school at Cornell. Cornel Alum Andy Bernard goes wonkers since Dwight is just applying is and is not a Cornell Man… lol Andy Bernard ends up being his alumni interviewer for Cornell. ■■■■■</p>



<p>Watch the Youtube video at the bottom :-P</p>

<p>GO CORNELL!</p>

<p>I don’t know about luck, but you definitely seem like an arrogant tool, and it’s very humiliating if you get rejected, as it should be if you act like that. Also, what do you do with the stuff? You either awkwardly wear it, which is illogical, or you neglect it, in which case you wasted your money. I know it’s tempting, but resist the urge.</p>

<p>Phead, that was hilarious. Major props. <3</p>

<p>I remember watching that while trying to finish up my essays so I could submit my application.</p>

<p>uh I wore a Cornell shirt before I even knew I was applying, because I had been here for a sporting event. it was actually kind of odd because competitive people would be like “ohhh Cornell” and I was somewhat confused because I didn’t really know if it was a good school or not, even though I was in high school. (I had no reason to pay attention, yknow?)</p>

<p>If you get into Cornell, don’t wear a Cornell shirt to school the next day. My daughter’s HS had an understanding not to wear their college shirts until senior week when everyone knows where they are attending.</p>

<p>Depends probably on your school’s traditions concerning shirts and stuff. Usually kids from my school get in to a college and they wear the shirt (if they own it) the next day or that Friday (the day we’re actually allowed to wear t-shirts). I imagine that the week of December 15th will have many kids wearing the shirt of the school of which they were granted admission.</p>

<p>huh. if you don’t know anything special then it’s up to you-- like don’t think every school had these traditions.
we didn’t have that much expected of us because the majority of the people either go to the local university, smaller schools, and a lot to the community college. outside the small group of the competitive types, no one cares for a second what college you’re going to. I’m sure many of my classmates would have had no idea where or what Cornell is, and if it’s Ivy league would be even further out of their awareness. and I’m from NYS.</p>

<p>this is the dumbest superstition I’ve ever heard of. Don’t worry about something this stupid, wear whatever you want, and let the chips fall where they may.</p>

<p>Where in NYS are you from, faustarp?</p>

<p>Some of your schools actually had rules about wearing T-shirts? that’s unusual. I went to a really competitive public school in LI, and out of a class of 200, 18 got accepted to Cornell, and tons went to Ivies/Top colleges. I think only 2 kids in the grade didn’t go to college. Anyway needless to say, everyone was very obsessed with prestige and getting into a top school and people wore college shirts all the time. It wasn’t considered condescending, because unless you got into MIT, you were nothing special.</p>

<p>The idea of everyone wearing their college shirts together at the end of the yr for senior week or whatever is nice…so no one feels bad.</p>

<p>Wow, stargazerlilies, my school isn’t QUITE that crazy.
But prestige is big at my school too, and I think Cornell fits the ticket.
Plus, I just happen to love Cornell.
So it’s a win-win.</p>

<p>I go to a private school and we generally wear uniforms (which includes a specific brand of collared shirt) and so wearing a t-shirt is only on “special” occasions like Fridays, on which we can wear any school-related t-shirt, and if we’ve gotten into a college I think we can wear the college’s shirt any day. That’s why we have rules. Stupid private schools.</p>

<p>haha, I have always wanted a Cornell sweatshirt but my parents wouldn’t let me buy one unless I get accepted lol. At our school, people wear sweatshirts from numerous universities, many of which they are not even applying. I don’t think it’s bad luck but feel how sad you would be looking at it if you don’t get in.</p>