
<p>The interviewer asked to come to my house to interview me and I didn't really want to refuse. Is this common? I'd prefer somewhere else.</p>

<p>I know of interviews who have done this to make it easier for the applicant and more relaxed.</p>

<p>I think if an interviewer were to come to my house, my parents and I would have a heart attack… at my house, projects triumph over cleanliness and “organization”</p>

<p>In the inteview guidelines, it says not to inteview at an applicant’s house.</p>

<p>dude that’d be so awkward…</p>

<p>I got in EA and my interview was at my house. I was surprised about it, but it ended up working out well. My interviewer and I bonded over the fact that we both had collie dogs growing up.</p>

<p>I agree it’s awkward. Any way to say “my parents aren’t comfortable with that, would the ___ coffee house work for you?”</p>

<p>Just say “My home isn’t available but here are three nearby options. Which one is best for you?” If you meet resistance, just state again that the home isn’t an option. No explanation is needed. Period.</p>

<p>Perhaps the interviewer is younger and hasn’t considered the pressure that you, the applicant and your family would feel having a college interview in your home.</p>