WOWW Why are the UC's so SNOOTY?

<li><p>Your sister is not a resident of California and I don't want to subsidize her education with my tax money.</p></li>
<li><p>Your sister has a low GPA and you have high expectations.</p></li>
<li><p>Snooty? This. Is. CALIFORNIA!</p></li>

<p>Then go to school in your state. She cant make the cut, she obviously doesn't deserve to go to any UC. Californians subsidize the UC system, so the system should be aimed to educate Californians. If you really want your sisters special circumstances help her get into college, im sure private Universitys will factor the circumstances more substancially. I dont even understand why an OOS student would want to pay around 40k for college unless they were getting a UCB or UCLA education. Stop crying. In my opinion there should be even stricter regulations against OOS students in the UC system.</p>

<p>No one except a communist will agree with you.</p>

<p>LOL Tastybeef, that was awesome.</p>

<p>well first of all UC are snotty for a reason...only the best students attend there... I am accepted to over half of them and I'm proud of it I have worked my butt off for it, why would i think it's fair for your sister to come here when her GPA is low? is it because she "tried"? well she should have tried harder...i'm sure she will do great in your state! :)</p>