WPI Early Decision/Action for Fall 2023

Yeah, us too! We had Dec 15th for EA notice date in the spreadsheet and were looking forward to having the decision nice and early. I know that was pretty recent, because we checked not long ago.

I wonder if they may release in December after all, but didn’t want to promise it just in case they need more time. I’m basing that on the screenshotted tweet above: “We hope to release them in the coming weeks.”


Thanks for mentioning this! I thought the website had originally said 12/15 , but I wasn’t sure…so many different dates to keep track of! It would be really nice to hear before the holidays…

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My D23 applied ED & was accepted yesterday (yay!!!) She did the Frontiers summer program in biology/bio technology and absolutely fell in love with WPI, so it’s a huge relief that she was accepted.
Good luck to everyone waiting on EA decisions!!!


Congrats to your daughter! What a great way to end the semester.

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thank you :grinning:


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I think they might end up releasing EA decisions earlier than Jan 15.


Thanks for sharing! Exciting!

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It’s killing me that they’re not releasing EA in December. We were really hoping to have the answers before Christmas so we could discuss as a family over break. I got my hopes up after seeing the EA admissions from the last two years in December. Argh!


It is mistake on their part. Kids already got into other competitive colleges EA, not having WPI in the mix of accepted school hurts WPI’s chance of the kids actually selecting WPI.

I really wish WPI hadn’t changed the EA decision date


Unless WPI is the student’s #1 choice, many students have really competitive applications, so they’re most likely waiting to hearing back from all colleges, including Ivies and elites, which means waiting until March/even later.
And/or waiting for final financial aid packages from all colleges, which can be as late as March.

Waiting is difficult.


Any decision updates

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No updates for my son, and I haven’t seen any info on any of their social media indicating when there will be updates.

They were most likely closed last week so it’s not strange that you didn’t see any updates.


Is the admission portal down for everyone? what I mean is that the link letting you log in to see your admission status, materials sent, etc., is now defaulting to the main wpi.edu page.

admissions.wpi.edu/status doesn’t load and instead, the main wpi page appears!

Of course, I’m paranoid that this means something as my son is waiting for the EA decisions.

I’m not sure about any particular links that may redirect, but my kid’s admissions portal itself is working fine. Still looks the same as it did last week – application received, under review, etc.

Thanks for the reply! Every link we have (and even typing admissions.wpi/status directly redirected to the main page) but since we knew it was working for some, we kept digging, and eventually, we found the “log into the portal” button on a webpage and that worked!

And, yes, nothing has changed since before the holiday!


I emailed today just to see if they had any idea when they’d be releasing (my son needs to make a decision about an ED by next Friday, which I explained) and they wrote back and just said “before Jan 15” which wasn’t helpful at all! lol

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I haven’t been keeping up with your situation,

“You must withdraw those applications (and any others you may have submitted) as soon as you receive an ED acceptance letter.”

Is this a myth?
“…if their ED school finds out that they didn’t withdraw their other apps (these schools talk to each other and share lists of ED admits), that could be grounds for rescinding their offer.”

I thought she meant he had to decide if he was going to apply EDII somewhere…