WPI Early Decision/Action for Fall 2023

My S was told to withdraw “immediately” after being accepted ED. I was tempted to wait for an EA school that came out only the following day and he said “MOM, they could find out and rescind me if they find out.” So we withdrew all the apps (including WPI, which is such a cool place too).


hthrstarr can always apply RD to college X
and then after hearing back from WPI,
can switch college X from RD to ED2 if you don’t get the WPI results you hoped for.

I loved my days at WPI.

Good luck!

Assuming you are talking about applying ED2, usually colleges will let you switch between RD and ED as long as they haven’t uploaded decisions yet. You can ask the other college whether it would be easier to switch from ED2 to RD or from RD to ED2 should you need to do so.

I’m talking about RIT which has a “friendly ED” policy which says he can switch to RD at any time prior to putting a deposit down (which is due by Jan 15) if he wants, but he’d have to go back in the pile and be readmitted again, and that’s a bit of a gamble. His stats are good, but I hate to take that risk and then have both fall through. These are his top two choices by a mile.

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Loved RIT tour,
especially the Global Village courtyard which includes 28,000 square feet of heated pavement to increase usability in winter.


That is a tough decision to make! Have your son look at WPI and RIT’s subreddits. He can get a feel for both schools through student posts, comments, discussions. Hopefully that will help him whether to gamble - switch to RD at RIT - or put a deposit down for RIT. I suggest also looking at RIT’s common data set for info on RD acceptance rates.

My son applied to both WPI (EA1 and legacy through my husband) and RIT (RD). He’s leaning more towards RIT at the moment for their co-op program and 2 semester schedule versus WPI’s 4 quarter schedule BUT he’s not ruling out WPI completely YET because he loves their comp sci/aero eng programs.

Good luck!

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I loved WPI quarter system!

WPI CS ‘91

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My husband did too! He did civil eng!

Maybe everyone has already seen this? EA Decisions will be released this Friday (1/13/2023), 5 PM.


Well that’s good news for @hthrstarr whose kid will now have a whole 2 days to make his decision about RIT :smile:. On that topic, he seems like a great applicant and I don’t think he’d have a problem getting admitted in the RD round at RIT.

I don’t know if merit aid notices will come with the WPI admission notices or not.

It would be hard to feel rushed into a decision, or to feel like you regretted an ED, which makes the RIT “friendly” ED nice. But having only 2 days to decide is stressful. On the other hand, both schools are great, and he’d probably have a great experience at either one! There probably isn’t a “wrong” choice.


Years past - merit came with the decision. Let’s hope it’s the same!

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I did confirm with RIT that ED decisions are truly due the 15th (and not by end of business on the 13th which was our fear since that’s a Friday). But still, two days isn’t much. I’m tempted to see if he wants to drive to WPI this weekend to take one more look. But it’s a 10 hour trip so I’m not crazy about the idea. Argh. RIT has been SO communicative and WPI has been radio silent since he applied.


Oh I’d definitely be losing my mind a bit were I in your shoes! I think you should ask yourself not just if the WPI visit will provide info for making a decision, but if it will bring peace of mind to you and/or your son. Again, I don’t think there’s a bad choice here. And this also hinges on WPI giving your son an attractive offer on Friday (which I hope they do).

There may truly be no harm in waiting (for RIT RD decision). On the flip side, I’m a bit jealous of those who already know where they’re going. There’s something great about committing and plunging in with both feet.

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Any astrology as to WPI’s EA decisions tomorrow? :slight_smile:


I think my son will be accepted, but I won’t be shocked if he’s not. I really want the financial aid offer though! I expect it won’t be as much as other schools have offered, which would be right in line with predictions. But my son is also applying for Tuition Exchange, and WPI has only promised that they let people know about that by early April – with no aid stacking or waitlist. So I’m not optimistic the $$ will work out for us.

Excited for everyone to get their decisions! Hope it works out well for y’all.


My D23 eagerly looking forward to results today - WPI was her first favorite school and still high on her list.

I have noticed that they’ve removed the Lesley Small scholarship from the Merit Scholarship page - I wonder if that means they feel they’ve gotten the male/female balance close enough to where they want it and will no longer offer extra incentive?


Good luck everyone! My S committed to another school (Lafayette) and I was sad when he withdrew his WPI app. I really liked the school after our visit.

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It seems like a lot of girls last year got hefty presidential scholarships. I think if they didn’t work at it, they would lose the gender balance. My D applied, so I guess we’ll see what happens this afternoon!


Another good luck to all those waiting on WPI. This was our favorite tour. Sadly, my daughter didn’t apply because it really wasn’t a school for her area of interest. But it was still her favorite tour of 13 official tours.

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The decision for WPI EA 1 is out! I got accepted and have presidential scholarship!!! :smiley: