"Write a brief essay in which you respond to the following question."

<p><a href="freshman%20applicants%20only">b</a>: Johns Hopkins offers 49 majors across the schools of Arts and Sciences and Engineering. On this supplement, we ask you to identify one or two that you might like to pursue here. Why did you choose the way you did? If you are undecided, why didn't you choose? (If any past courses or academic experiences influenced your decision, you may include them in your essay.)**</p>

<p>Is 600 words okay or am I doing this wrong?!?!</p>

<p>Per Admissions elsewhere on this board:</p>



<p>Ahhhh thank you so much!!! :]</p>

<p>I think that I’ve sort of got special circumstances since I’m interning with a prof at JHU so I’ve got a lot to say. I was just making sure people weren’t gonna be like “IT SAYS BRIEF YOU IDIOT THAT MEANS 250 WORDS MAX.”</p>

<p>crap I read brief and wrote 60 words</p>

<p>Mine was 468 words. :)</p>

<p>is this essay supposed to be creative or more of a factual, straightforward one?</p>



<p>Oh no!! I hope they were good 60 words…</p>