<p>Any current or past students have a suggestion on interesting GE(s) to take with 140? General feedback has been none of them are that great, but there has to be a good one. Not necessarily looking for an easy one, but perhaps a stimulating or intriguing class that makes the combination more interesting and tolerable with all the writing assignments. Thanks for any input on this, freshman isn't getting great input on this around campus.</p>
<p>The other freshmen are right when they say none of them are that great. I don’t think any freshman will enjoy a class enough to not hate writing 5-7 page papers for it on a regular basis.</p>
<p>I’m taking Changing Family Forms with Writing 140 this semester, and it basically discusses the social structure of families, as well as social policies regarding family. Topics covered include the history of family, marriage/cohabitation/divorce, hook up culture, and laws that affect family such as welfare and poverty. </p>
<p>The essay topics will depend on what section of WRIT140 you register for. I have Gutierrez this semester, and her essays are somewhat interesting (some of them require watching/analyzing movies and sitcoms) but they’re still a pain to write.</p>
<p>I have a friend taking a WRIT140 with some class about the Holocaust that she finds somewhat enjoyable. I believe Race & Culture in LA is a popular class as well.</p>
<p>Thanks for the feedback bleachedsnow. Junior took Law, Politics, and Public Policy as a freshman and I don’t think that was too enjoyable as one can imagine. The ones you mentioned sound like a bit of an upgrade from that. Freshman S asked older brother about options and the only reply he could get is “they all suck.” Maybe the ones you mentioned suck a bit less. :)</p>
<p>Really depends on the WRIT 140 instructor, I loved SOCI 142 but the topics in WRIT 140 were terrible.</p>
<p>Have you thought about trying a Writing 150? I’ve heard good things about not only the classes (less essays, better topics), but the professors who teach them as well.</p>
<p>That’s what I’m considering next semester. Sure, you’ll still have to take a GE6, but if your main concern is not having enough motivation to write a quality paper from the topics given in the WRIT 140, then consider WRIT 150?</p>
<p>So in writing 150, the course has a theme (I found the listing of 150 classes) so you write about that? Then you just take the GE6 but don’t write about that topic? Sorry, I’m a bit confused.</p>
<p>Pretty much, because you won’t be taking the writing 140 for the course. Now I imagine if a professor of the GE6 assigns papers within the class, then you’ll have to do those.</p>
<p>I took Social Ethics for Earthlings and Others with my WRIT 140. Basically it went over philosophies of ethics (Utilitarianism, Kant, etc) and tied it into works of sci-fi, such as Star Trek and Minority Report. I enjoyed that aspect and I’m glad I took it. The WRIT 140 was still WRIT 140, but it was made bearable because of my interest in the topics. </p>
<p>I think it’s a given that WRIT 140 and GE VI are classes you just have to get through. Pick one that interests you. More cynically, you’re not picking a good one so much as you’re avoiding picking a bad one.</p>