Writing content of Category non-Science classes

<p>Do the Category required classes (not including Science) have a large writing component similar to the required Freshman writing class? Does it depend upon the class? Are the Category required classes considered to be easy or very time consuming?</p>

<p>I think it all depends. The social issues class I took (Category 6) was a joke when it came to writing, but my roommates had gigantic history papers that looked horrendous. Word to the wise: always take the sociology course. Always.</p>

<p>I heard if you take the right Category 1 and 2, they’re manageable, but if you pick the wrong ones, it’s a ton of writing. There were also people in my hall in Category 5 who wrote a lot more than I thought they would.</p>

<p>Thank you for writing. Are the sociology courses only for category 6?</p>

<p>It seems like they’re a category 6 thing because it’s “Social Issues” and that department doesn’t seem to fit with the other 5.</p>

<p>[USC</a> Catalogue: Undergraduate Education: USC Core : General Education Course Lists](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/dept/publications/cat2008/undergraduate/usc_core_general.html]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/dept/publications/cat2008/undergraduate/usc_core_general.html)</p>

<p>This is the list of all currently accepted GE courses.</p>

<p>I think it varies depending on the class. None of the GE’s that I had nearly put the same emphasis on writing as WRIT-140 though. The point of writing class is the writing, and other GE classes the emphasis is more on the content (though you still have to write) and they can be a bit more forgiving of the writing if the content is there.</p>