Writing Courses AEE3033, ENC2210, ENC3254

<p>What are the differences between AEE3033 (Research and Business Writing), ENC2210 (Technical Writing) and ENC3254 (Writing for Health Professions)? Which one is easier and what types of assignments are done in each of the classes? Any other information would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>enc2210 teaches practical writing, resumes, professionalism in memos and emails, a major part of course is how to write a proposal…and I am not sure if its this class but one of these teaches how to properly write a manual…(may be an engineering related one)</p>

<p>ah i just looked it up, I think theres different version of ENC 3254, some for elementary edu., health, and engineering.</p>

<p>I believe ENC3254 is the same thing as ENC2210. I’m taking 3254 right now for engineering but I believe they all cover very similar topics (resume, memos, technical definitions, formal research report, instruction manual, individual/group proposals, reports)</p>

<p>They should all be mind-numbingly easy even with the variances in concentration.</p>

mind numbingly easy? That’s the ticket. I’ll pass it on. :slight_smile: With her enriched physics, chem II and lab and diffyq … mind numbingly easy sounds wonderful. :)</p>


<p>They’re pretty much the same class. I think some of the 3000 versions make you do a presentation, but not sure.</p>