Writing EC - what to put?

Long story short I’m a senior who is filling out common app rn. My biggest EC is probably creative writing (have a published book, awards, etc.) but I’m not really sure how to quantify it in the common app. Specifically, one of my friends and I were debating over the group associated with writing slot in CA and whether we should put freelance or places we are affiliated with, and also whether we should put down the amount of places we’ve submitted to (not published). me personally I don’t think that putting in submission statistics is the best move due to possible AO questioning about the low # of publication ratio, but now I’m uncertain if I’m right. does anyone have any experience?

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EC section is all about how you spend your time outside of the classroom. Think in terms of time spent on activity in one day, week, month, and a year. Go from there. Is there a formal organization you are part of? Are you a freelance writer? Does this activity need to be separated into writing job, writing club, creative writing project? Ok to have lopsided list of ECs. Think in terms of your time spent doing something, it will come together!

I would put in how much time you spend and how much you have had published. It would be like putting down a sport for 15 hours per week, and then citing captain sr.year, all-league second team sr year, varsity letter winner 3 years.

haha it looks kinda like this rn

Published book w/ 100+ copies sold. Wrote/edited for 20+ literary journals. Adroit & Ellipsis '23 mentee in poetry. Publications &
more in addtl info.

but should I add/subtract anything??

yeah I dont have a problem with choosing what ecs but more with describing specific work esp w writing bc ive had so many experiences. TYSM for your help!!

If you say 20+ literary journals you might want to publish a list on your resume or in the addl info section as people will question that number.

I have a website :slight_smile:

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