<p>Does anyone know of a good book to ACTIVELY practice SAT grammar from? I found that reading is not really helping me get my MC past the 65 (PSAT). While the essay would help me on SATs, I'm going for a 2400 SAT and high PSAT (hopefully around 230; I need 221 to qualify -_-). I got a 63W this year. Total 201.</p>
<p>EDIT: I'm a sophomore</p>
<p>I’d strongly recommend you buy Barron’s Writing workbook for the SAT. It’s great, the explanations are thorough and very easy to understand, with examples. I used it and it helped me boost my writing score from 620 initially to 750+ now.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>Just read Silverturtle’s grammar guide and you should be set.</p>
<p>^I have read it, but I find that i can’t really focus on grammar through reading, and I don’t improve. Whereas math/sci, i can read through once and remember 99% of it. </p>
<p>@BlackBunny: Thanks for the reccomendation!</p>
<p>Can anyone else confirm the Barron’s reccomendation based on experience?</p>
<p>Out of all the Writing Prep Books I have seen, Barrons is the best.</p>
<p>^Ok thanks
Hopefully I’ll get a lot better at the Writing MC then :)</p>