<p>(Having an exceptionally dry and stable atmosphere, astronomers chose Mauna Kea) as the prospective site of the world’s largest optical telescope.</p>
<p>A. (Same)
B. Astronomers who chose Mauna Kea for its exceptionally dry and stable atmosphere saw it
C. Mauna Kea’s exceptionally dry atmosphere led to its choice by astronomers
D. Because its atmosphere is exceptionally dry and stable, astronomers chose Mauna Kea
E. Based on its exceptionally dry and stable atmosphere, Mauna Kea was chosen by astronomers</p>
<p>I couldn't underline so I just put the underlined part in parenthesis.</p>
<p>What do you guys think? Tell me what you think the answers is and why all the others are wrong.</p>
<p>Umm... can you explian why and why the others are wrong?</p>
<p>A - misplaced modifier: it's not astronomers who have exceptionally dry and stable atmosphere.
C - led to its choice by astronomers: awkward and ambiguous. What was chosen - Mauna Kea or atmosphere?
D - Because its...: bad construction (start with because). Also, Mauna Kea is introduced later in the sentence, 'its atmosphere' in the beginning is a little murky. :)
E - 'was chosen': passive voice - generally recommended to avoid.</p>
<p>hope i am right.</p>
<p>Sorry, but you're not right.</p>
<p>A-misplaced modifier
B- idk..just sounds bad and wordy
C- wordy
E- good</p>
<p>lol nvm..i think its E now</p>
<p>d definitely is not right.....it makes astronomers a misplace modifer. it's basically saying that astronomers have atmospheres.</p>
<p>E is correct</p>
<p>So much fun. E is not right. Seriously, and this is an official CB question from a previously adminstered test.</p>
<p>All of them are either too wordy or have ambiguous antecedents. I think it's D.</p>
<p>Umm... I told you that it wasn't E. And guess what, IT STILL ISN'T! Support you're answer d4r7h3v1l</p>
<p>Do you know for a fact E is incorrect or is that just your take on it?</p>
<p>I know for a fact. It was in the college board book.</p>
<p>okay, A is definitelly wrong.
B prabably has its punctuation wrong.
C is no good (see my first post).
E is wrong - based on stixx's exceptionally dry and stable opinion, E is chosen by me as incorrect.
that leaves D. i guess it has to start with 'because' because it's better than
<astronomers chose="" mauna="" kea="" as="" the="" prospective="" site="" of="" world’s="" largest="" optical="" telescope="" because="" its="" atmosphere="" is="" exceptionally="" dry="" and="" stable="">
- 'telescope' is a bad antedecent for 'its atmosphere'.</astronomers></p>
if it's C, i'll eat my sat (ticket). :D</p>
<p>D and E are the least wrong.</p>
<p>D - antecedent of prepositional phrase is astronomers because that is the subject, so the sentence doesn't make sense
E - passive voice and wordy, but it is more grammatically correct IMO</p>
<p>if this question were on the real test i would raise hell - all the answers are exceptionally terrible.</p>
<p>This question was on the June SAT, I swear. It must have been experimental.</p>
<p>it couldn't have been in June 'cause stix has it in the cb book, and the June's test is not released. it's way early anyway.</p>