Writing question

<p>Now that Siena won(A) first place in several regional tournaments, she appears(B) somewhat excited about(C) traveling to the capital to compete(D) in the tennis finals. No error(E)</p>

<p>The answer is A, won, suggesting that it should be in present tense, but I thought don't you have to already win the first place before you can be excited?</p>

<p>it should be "has won".</p>

<p>Oh, so on the SAT, we use present perfect for something that already happened if the sentence is in present tense?</p>

<p>appears is present tense,so has won is present perfect,so im thinking thats y its wrong....
won is past tense =/</p>

<p>so in a present sentence, you use present perfect to show things in the past just to be consistent?</p>