Writing question.

<p>In such areas as sports, ranking of individual performance is relatively well accepted since the parameters on which the rating are based are generally objective. No error E.</p>

<p>Shouldn't the beginning be, "In areas such as sports,"??</p>

<p>The actual error is that 'is' needs to be 'are'</p>

<p>“Is” is not suppose to be “are”; ranking is singular.</p>

<p>Well i didn’t make up the correct answer, majortests.com did…[Practice</a> SAT Question Explanation](<a href=“Practice SAT Question Explanation | Major Tests”>Practice SAT Question Explanation | Major Tests)</p>

<p>Yeah…um, they’re right. You didn’t write it correctly. It’s “are” should be “is” since ranking is singular. </p>

<p>‘on which the rating is based’</p>