<p>1) For many people, (being in good health is more important) than being rich and famous. </p>
<p>choices I narrowed it down to:</p>
<p>a) Correct
b) (having good health is more important)
d) (healthiness is more important) </p>
<p>** I chose B because it sounded good. But A is the CORRECT answer. Why is A the correct Answer? And why cant the other choices not WORK???? </p>
<p>2) The science teacher (uses the an erector set simulating the structure of human DNA), which she rearranges to represent different mutations and variations. </p>
<p>choices i narrowed it down to: </p>
<p>b) (uses an erector set to simulate the structure of human DNA)
c) (simulates the structure of human DNA by using an erector set)</p>
<p>** I chose B, but the answer is C. This question I was too HARD. I was confused
Can someone please explain the differences of both the choices.</p>
<p>Not sure for first question, but I can help you with the second.
Look again at the phrase, the teacher wants to “rearrange to represent mutations” - could an erector mutates itself? No. If you have a little common sense in biology (no offense here, just want to tell you to use a little bit reasoning) then only human DNA can be mutated. Thus, the object would be focusing on human DNA rather than the machine. </p>
<p>Hope that helps</p>
<p>1) The sentence is describing a condition. You can only be in a condition in the same way you can only be in a situation. You can’t “have” a condition. </p>
<p>2) The last part says “which she rearranges…” This can only refer to the erector set, so that has to be trailing the “which” as in “…by using an erector set, which she rearranges…” If it had been “…the structure of human DNA, which she rearranges…” the sentence wouldn’t make sense</p>
<p>Archi92 is on the right track, but I’m not sure if he explained it perfectly accurately; it seems that he is contending that the rearrangement is of the DNA, which is exactly what made the majority of the choices wrong! </p>
<p>The answer is (C) because it’s the only choice that makes the dependent adjective clause at the end of the sentence modify the erector set. The teacher isn’t rearranging the human DNA. She’s rearranging the erector set.</p>
<p>And for question one, crazybandit is correct. (He is right about two as well, but I hadn’t seen his comment when I wrote mine.)</p>