Writing Section- help with Idioms!?

<p>Hey Guys,
with SAT only a few weeks away, I keep getting stuck on some writing section idiom questions.
Could anyone tell me the difference between contrast to and contrast with,entered in and entered into, and differ from and differ with?
Thanks a ton!</p>

<p>Surely not subtlety that you need to master for the SAT??? Perhaps the GMAT.</p>

<p>Contrast with … Here contrast is a verb. Contrast this algebra problem with that physics problem.
Contrast to … Here contrast is a noun. Winter weather in California is in sharp contrast to that in Scotland.</p>

<p>Entered “into” is an “idiom” that you’ll see often. There isn’t anything special about entered “in” – perhaps an applicable prepositional phrase.
John entered the daily costs in the ledger.
The companies entered into an agreement to sell automobiles.</p>

<p>The Apple phone differs from the Samsung phone. [dissimilar]
The Republicans differ with the Democrats regarding the solution to the debt crisis. [difference of opinion]</p>

<p>Thanks a ton :)</p>