Writing Section - Question

<p>This is a question from my Blue Book (last year's edition). It is #24 and is listed as a medium question. It is the only one of the 35 in this section I missed, and I can't figure out why the answer is what it is. Here it is below (I put brackets around the underlined portions):</p>

<p>Far (A)[away from] having been a diehard conservative, (B)[Hoover was], some scholars (C)[now contend], the leading progressive (D)[of his day]. (E)[No Error]</p>

<p>Post what you guys think the answer is, and I'll say what it is after that. Thanks for any posts.</p>

<p>I just posted this haha…</p>

<p>its A.</p>

<p>Its far from, not far away from.</p>

<p>ohh, you gotta be kidding me… that makes sense, but GAH, lol</p>

<p>thanks for the post</p>

<p>Yeah, “far away from” sounds weird, and as stated, it should be “far from”.</p>

<p>“Far from” generally establishes a contrast between what is expected and what happens for real, that causes some kind of surprise, whereas “Far away from” refers mainly to physical distance! Obviously in the question above, “Far away from” does not belong and needs correction.</p>