<p>university of chicago doesn't count writing. Quite frankly, that puts me in a bad situation. I wanna go there next year (CR 580 WR 700) now you see my dilemma. lol, what similar schools average the 2 or count writing as a separate entity? I know Tufts averages them.</p>
<p>That's kind of weird - writing and reading are intimately connected. You can't be a good writer unless you're a good reader. How did you get that low of a verbal score? What did you score in the math section?</p>
<p>Can you take the ACT or a course, like Kaplan?</p>
<p>That really helped me.</p>
<p>Plus, Chicago is willing (not eager, though) to ignore bad scores for an enthusiastic student.</p>
<p>i got 690 on math, i'm retaking the sat in may hoping to ace math and writing and drastically improve my critical reading. i never took any sat prep classes i winged it and got a 1970 maybe il try one over the summer. do they really help?</p>
<p>as for my reading, my main problem is time managment i think, i read a bit slowly and try to cover every detail which isnt smart. writing i like, cuz its so open and the grammar is fun lol i'm a dork but i love reading and writing but on sats and acts its kinda a crutch for me if i'm confined to a limited amt of time. sigh. thanks for your input i appreciate it :)</p>
<p>Yeah, if that's your problem, definitely take Kaplan.</p>
<p>My ACT score went up FOUR points and so did a good friend's! Plus, lots of people do it, so lots of people's scores are inflated. It's like, there's a new standard and you need to adjust for it.</p>
<p>Princeton Review kept cancelling my classes and was more expensive than Kaplan. I think it was 5 or 600....but way worth it.</p>
<p>BTW, the books didn't help me as much as the class.</p>
<p>clearly, ur not asian </p>
<p>: D</p>