<p>Yesterday, me and my roommates decided to host a party in our quad for the long weekend. Everything was going well until two RA's showed up. By that time we were all pretty drunk and there was no hiding the fact that there was alcohol there. We tried to comply as much as we could with them and showed them all the drinks we had, and they also asked for a lot of people's ids. After everybody left, they just made us get rid of our drinks in the bathroom and they didn't call the cops at least. But I am very worried about what could happen next. Are we at risk of losing our housing? or will we most likely have to just pay a fine with minor punishments?</p>
<p>Well depending on the RA if they report it to the school you can bet your peeps will get a letter. The reality is that you did not comply from the start just by hosting the party. Did you actually think you were entitled to a party of you “thought” you had things in control! Be very aware of hosting a party because at the simplest level if something happens to someone…“your the host & the cops will be involved!” Nothing went well from the time you though this was going to be okay. </p>
<p>My DS was caught and we got the letter. As a parent it hurts!! I told my son to try this once: Go to a party and put a cup in your hand. In your back pocket had a bottle of coke, unopened. Find a corner, open the coke and fill your cup with “only” coke. Walk aroung and nurse the coke like it was the real deal. Because kids are light weights you will quickly see many turn to foolish behavior. My son tried it and saw first hand the dumb stuff that happens. Do he go to parties, you bet but he does not host and he maintains control. </p>
<p>As the night goes on your cup can be completely empty and not one kid will have a clue that you remain sober. As the night goes on you will see first hand as too why drinking is not what it all let up to be. My mother owns three bars & rest. in NYC. I saw it all growing up and when I became of age I made sure I did not fall into the drinking out of control world. </p>
<p>Yea, you have heard it that you don’t need to drink to have a good time. It’s true! So ask yourself this the next time. Is it more important to go to college for 4 years and make your family proud? OR Is it more important to take chances in your decisions where you know you could lose out on your education, hurt yourself, & hurt your family? </p>
<p>Maintain your own self control… If you make it through this remember the lesson of not what you got away with but more of how much worse it could have been. Again, maintain your own control!!</p>
<p>OOPS… “Does he go to parties…” Good luck in college, enjoy the 4 years that will go by fast but please make the right choices the next time your up against peer pressure! If who you think is your friend does not approve then maybe it is time for a new friend. A true friend will be there to support you and keep you from trouble. Anything less is just someone you know. </p>
<p>And in the end and on another topic check everything that you write because I have a ton of typos…but I’m sure you get the picture. By the way I went to college for engineering. All the proper writing skills were too hard for me, I’m lucky to have passes that stuff. My English professor laughed at me when I said grammar is not an easy thing to put together, with math there is an answer making it easy. </p>
<p>Study hard notcool94, you will be fine!! Tell your peeps what happened and give them some reasurance that you learned a lesson and it won’t happen again. Good luck kid, get your degree, get a job and add value. </p>