<p>I'm lost. When I signed up for the CS61A class on TeleBEARS during Phase II, I was 24th on the waitlist for the Lecture section, and 1st on the waitlist for the Discussion and Laboratory sections, so I assumed that meant it would be easier to get into the class.</p>
<p>Now I chance a glance at my schedule on BearFacts, and I am told that I'm 24th on the waitlist for the Lecture section, and 27th on the waitlist for the Discussion and Laboratory sections. Is it just me, or is something up?</p>
<p>Thanks and cheerios and cornflakes,</p>
<p>Perhaps Sophomores taking the class have priority and hence were placed ahead of you on the waiting list.</p>
<p>Oh. Can that happen? Wouldn't that undermine the whole purpose of a waitlist? And I wanted to know, in the laboratory sections, how do all the waitlisted students fit into one lab meant for just 28 people? Same query for the discussion and lecture sections.</p>
<p>This message also serves as a bump.</p>
<p>I don't know if it can happen; just a guess.</p>
<p>Anyway, I'm off the waitlist today :is happy: I'm 18.0 units heavy. Is that a good thing? :eek:</p>
<p>Thanks for all the help!</p>