<p>After the elation following finding out about my 2400 on the SAT, I started hearing about the Presidential Scholars program. I know they select based on SAT scores, so I am hopeful. What do the final scholars (boy and girl from each state) end up getting? It seems like it comes too late to be used on a college app, and I haven't seen anything about there being any money involved...but there is that medal ceremony...</p>
<p>does anyone else know about this?</p>
<p>I have a friend who is a Presidential Scholar. You don't get much out of it except an all expense paid trip to DC, and a chance to meet the president. The award is a huge honor, but tangibly, there's not a whole lot.</p>
<p>I went the summer of 2004, it's a 7 day trip where you listen to seminars (Ralph Nader was one of the speakers when I went) and get a chance to visit many historical sites (capitol hill, the house of rep, white house etc....). You are also divided into different caucuses where you are expected to debate about current political issues. I enjoyed myself there are many other activities, including some fun ones.</p>