Xavier University Class of 2027 Official Thread

Hi everyone. I didn’t see any recent threads on Xavier admissions so I figured I’d start one.

My DS applied a few weeks ago and is waiting to hear back. Has anyone received an admissions decision yet? I know it’s officially rolling admissions.

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Daughter applied a few weeks ago as well. Have not heard yet. I have a current third year student. If I remember correctly, his decision came at the end of October, so maybe this coming week…


DS applied 8/16 OOS. Accepted 10/25, Communications. Merit was in acceptance letter.

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My son found out today that he was accepted with a Trustee Merit Scholarship. Biological Sciences.

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My daughter received her acceptance yesterday as well. Same major; same scholarship. :grinning:

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My son applied 10/14 and we have not heard back yet. He has a 4.0 unweighted GPA, 1450 SAT and has National Hispanic Merit Scholar recognition. He is hoping that might qualify him for their Honors Program. He does honor band (percussion) and is a Level 10 gymnast but continuing both in college is not a priority. He plans to study psychology and minor in Spanish (end goal is PhD in clinical psychology.) We have visited most schools on his list but not this one yet. We are from Buffalo so it’s about 6.5 hrs away. We did do a remote info session and tour, but can anyone describe the general campus vibe? Thanks!

Do you mind me asking you or @cliffordstower what the award amount is for the Trustee Scholarship? The website does not specify. Thanks!

My son liked the vibe on campus. There seemed to be lots of fun things going on for students, the gym was really nice, academic classrooms well set up, and they seemed to have good student resources/centers.

He applied 9/20 and his high school sent the supplements 10/7, so I wouldn’t be at all worried about not hearing back. His Trustee Scholarship was $25K per year ($100k total).

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Thank you! It checks off a lot of boxes for my son, so I think he’d really like it.

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I have a current 3rd year student and am an XU grad myself. XU has a great community spirit! There is a very welcoming, friendly vibe and tons of school spirit. The entire administration and all the professors are supportive and seem to truly care about the students. My son was an incoming freshman in the fall of 2020, during the height of Covid and I felt the school did an excellent job of managing that while still providing students opportunities for social interaction. The Career center has a mentorship program that helped my son land an internship at a major company last summer. If you are on FB there is an XU parent page that you can join as a prospective parent. This will help give you a sense of the XU community and you can ask any questions. My son is very happy there.


That’s very cool that you went to Xavier and passed along a great experience to your child and sounds like your current senior is considering it too. My daughter attends Loyola in New Orleans so we love the Jesuit philosophy (focus on community service and social justice) and she’s been very happy there. Hoping my son can visit soon. Thanks for your feedback!

My son received his acceptance to Xavier today with $25K merit per year :blush: Nice that they cover books too. Can anyone speak to the honors program? They have a “data science” honors program which is an interest for my son, but seems like it’s more for Data Science majors, lots of required Calc & Stats classes, etc. So if my son is a psychology major, I assume the traditional honors program is the way to go. Looks like he has to apply by December 1st, so not much time.

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My son applied to the Honors program (University Scholars) and for the Community Engaged Fellowship Scholarship. Any idea how competitive these are? How many apply vs. how many are accepted into honors or receive the scholarship? There are some scholarships in which all students are considered/no extra steps needed such as minority scholarships. Does anyone know a student who was awarded any of these extra scholarships or the approximate amount? Also, when would my son hear back on honors and any extra scholarship? The price is a bit over our budget (even with the generous merit) so just trying to see if an extra scholarship will bring it down enough. We will get some financial aid but not much. Thanks!

Has anyone’s student received a decision regarding their University Scholars application? Daughter submitted her application in early November and hasn’t heard anything.

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My son submitted right on the deadline date for University Scholars (Dec.1st I think) and no word yet. Maybe we can find someone who got in last year to get an idea of when they announce those.

I applied back in late October and received my acceptance letter about two weeks later just before Thanksgiving. I’m in the APEX program so I dunno if that matters. Excited and honored to be part of the Xavier University class of 2027. Go X!

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What’s the APEX program?

My son just got an email that he’s been invited to interview for the Community-Engaged Fellowship scholarship on February 12th. He submitted his application for that on Dec. 1st. Does anyone know much about that? Not even sure if the scholarship amount or how competitive it is but sounded interesting to my son with his community service background. I may be mixing it up with another school but I believe the scholars need to commit to a certain number of volunteer hours per semester at Xavier. He’s excited he was chosen for the interview stage. Any info is appreciated.

The Xavier website gives pretty detailed information regarding the amount of the scholarship and the hours required. My daughter was invited to apply but decided not to due to the time commitment and the additional money as I recall wasn’t all that much. Good luck to your son!

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Ok found the info. Doesn’t mention amount but I think my son would definitely like to be involved with community service so might be a good opportunity. Thanks!

Mission Statement

“We are a community of students, united in fellowship and committed to engaging others through service and solidarity. We partner with communities to celebrate their assets and affect lasting, positive change as we strive to live out our Jesuit mission to become one for and with others.”

About the Fellowship

Established in 1989, the Fellowship was established to reward incoming freshmen who excelled in service and chose engagement as part of their undergraduate experience. Recipients of the scholarship are required to perform ten hours of service each week during the course of their college careers while serving as role models for other students and promoting Jesuit ideals on campus.

At the time it was introduced, the Fellowship was fairly groundbreaking - few schools had demonstrated such a commitment that rewarded and encourage community engagement. In 1991, CBS’s Sunday Morning with Charles Kuralt ran a feature on the program, interviewing Fellows and the organizations and individuals they served. Over the years, the Fellowship has continued to grow a culture of engagement on Xavier’s campus as well as impact surrounding communities with thousands of hours of community-focused service. Fellows are recognized by the University as student leaders and alumni of this important program have gone on to successful careers in government, nonprofit, academic, and private sector pursuits.

The Eigel Center serves as the director of this program and as a connector to community partners and projects. Outside of their weekly service commitment, Fellows’ experiences include site visits, intensive workshops, and programming geared toward developing them into engaged leaders and community partners that create innovative, service-based initiatives and projects.

Found it: "The Fall 2022 Community-Engaged Fellowship was valued at $30,000 per year and awarded to eight incoming first-year students.

The Community-Engaged Fellowship is tuition restricted and will replace any previous Xavier merit scholarship offer."

Since my daughter’s merit scholarship is close to that amount, she opted not to apply.