<p>UC GPA: 3.47 (yeah i know... it sucks)
SAT I: 2110 (CR 690, M 680, W 740)
SAT II: Biology M - 730, Math Level 2 - 700</p>
<p>960 Hours of Tutoring Freshmen/Soph/Junior/Senior students at my high school. I'm the lead tutor (aka the President) of the organization. I've been doing it for 3 years in a row now. I've worked with blind students and students with amputated limbs as well (wrote about that in my essays).</p>
<p>1660 Hours of Programming/Developing a Website for a registered corporation in the Bay Area</p>
<p>36 Hours in Interact Club</p>
<p>250 Hours of Track and Field</p>
<p>5 AP Classes total: Bio (4), APUSH (4), Microecon, English Lit, and Calc AB (Toughest available courseload at my school)
4 Honors Classes total: Chemistry, Am. Lit, Physics, and Spanish 4 (Toughest available courseload at my school)</p>
<p>Low income, Strong essays in my opinion... I applied for Electrical Engineering (1st choice) and Undeclared Engineering (2nd choice). Chances please?</p>
<p>UC’s use a numbers-driven admission system. Low chance; likely rejection.</p>
<p>I think your stats, along with your extracurricular, give UC the feeling that you cared too much about things outside of academic to care about school itself. If you did not receive a supplement, your chance is most likely to be slim.</p>
<p>Plus VERY impacted majors. EE is pretty impacted, but your backup - undec engineering - is the most competitive in the entire admissions process.</p>
<p>If they are really hooked by your tutoring (which is common amongst many applicants) and your massive amount of hours towards programming (over 69 days straight. what, is it a job?) then you will get in. The amount and diversity of your e.c’s are very limited, and if that is truly the maximum amount of ap’s you could have taken before senior year, then they will know. You’re a little above average for SAT scores, so that is a plus. You applied as EE, but you did not take an AP Physics class or the Subject Test. Well it’s not like these chances are trying to be mean or anything, it’s simple statistics. </p>
<p>In 2011, there were 10,314 prospective high school undergraduates with a fully weighted GPA between 3.30-3.69 and of those only 286 got admitted. Many of those, in my opinion, are athletes, possibly international students, those with very rare cases affecting gpa (death, disability, etc.), and the very few with spots left over are probably for those with low GPA’s and a passion/hook. You have a chance, if you were one of the very few that could please them with that GPA. Good luck.</p>
<p>Hmm yeah there seems to be tons of people who do tutoring. i really don’t think they were as dedicated as i was though (as shown by my number of hours: 960). So you guys think that my chances are bleak? I was rejected from UCSD and UCD already.
Does anyone have experience with people with my GPA getting in?</p>