<p>I totally jacked these off of the UChicago thread and that OP probably jacked 'em from another b/c they've been floating around but....stealing stolen goods is legal in my book. (Except I made up numbers 6 and 11 myself.)
Anyway, answer these and let's get to know each other!</p>
<p>What is your:
1. dream career, if money were irrelevant?
2. intended major/academic interests?
3. favorite book?
4. nerdiness on a scale of 1-10?
5. guilty pleasure?
6. strangest quirk/fun fact about you?
7. favorite music genre?
8. greatest accomplishment?
9. greatest failure?
10. how high is Yale ranked on your list? be honest.
11: SCEA or RD? </p>
<p>My answers:
1. dream career, if money were irrelevant? An editor or possibly a short-storyist (if that's a word...)
2. intended major/academic interests? Don't know/ Writing, biology
3. favorite book? Can't choose but I'm on a Haruki Murakami jag right now. Nicole Krauss and her better-known counterpart are also good.
4. nerdiness on a scale of 1-10? Compared to my friends/acquaintances, I'd say about a 7 but compared to some people here on CC, maybe a 4-5?
5. guilty pleasure? CC, haha.
6. strangest quirk/fun fact about you? I was basically mute for the first few years of my schooling and then had to be homeschooled for a year.
7. favorite music genre? I'm apathetic towards music (I know, I know, it's unheard of). I'll listen to most types if they're there but I'm not a music connoisseur like most. The same with me and movies for the most part. I'll go if I'm dragged or if they're really really interesting but if not, then I'd rather read.
8. greatest accomplishment? running/jogging five miles for the first time when I was on my school's cross country team
9. greatest failure? Quitting the cross country team after about a week---I just don't have the stamina.
10. how high is Yale ranked on your list? be honest.** Number one**
11: SCEA or RD? SCEA</p>