Yale 2013 shirt

<p>Has anyone gotten theirs yet? I've been waiting patiently haha</p>

<p>Haha, I haven’t. I’ve been waiting for it too. I don’t know what’s taking them so long. Are they still mass producing them?</p>

<p>I ordered it December 15th and am still waiting :(</p>

<p>I want it too!!!</p>

<p>I ordered the shirt on December 15th and have eagerly checked the mail every day in the hopes that it arrived…</p>

<p>…but it hasn’t yet.</p>

<p>it said it would come in a few weeks, so maybe look ahead to february…</p>

<p>not yet :(</p>

<p>wah! I want my shirt.</p>

<p>Ya I ordered mine on the 15th as well, but I never envisioned a few weeks to mean february O.o</p>

<p>Ha, I ordered mine yesterday, so I’m just hoping it comes before Bulldog Days. :)</p>

<p>Where are the 2013 shirts already?</p>

<p>Are the shirts only available to the people who got accepted to Yale already?
… maybe i should get a fake one… lol :slight_smile: i am applying RD</p>

<p>^^ Yeah. Although I’m sure that they’ll give them to RD acceptees as well.</p>

<p>Maybe they’re waiting for RD round before sending the shirts?? Hope not.</p>

<p>Congrats guys. Yale for me is a reach. =) I hope I will get in.</p>

<p>Yay! I finally got mine today! (The letter it came with is dated “January 16, 2009.”)</p>

<p>They used Hanes Beefy-T’s…so they’re huge. :frowning: I got a large because mediums are usually a little tight on me…and now I have a HUGE T-shirt. Oh, well. I love it!</p>

<p>hooray! mine came today too!!!</p>

<p>Mine too! :slight_smile: Wasn’t really expecting it, since I only ordered it two weeks ago…
And yeah, they are almost grotesquely oversized. >.></p>

<p>yay! my shirt came…</p>

<p>mmm, I agree, they are oversized…should of ordered a small…blah!</p>

<p>heheheh i knew they would be big… so i ordered small! and I’m pleased.</p>

<p>I was excited to see it in my mailbox today! Ordered a small, still too big :(</p>

<p>Argh! I haven’t gotten mine yet, but I’m super petite and wear an XS in everything… and for some reason that I don’t fully understand I ordered a medium! And according to everyone they run big. I guess I’ll have to just tie mine up in the back or something. </p>

<p>Oh well I’m still excited!!</p>