Yale 2014 EA Pledge Thread

<p>I wish I had discovered CC before my junior year. Knowing that stuff like TASP and Telluride is out there kinda puts all other opportunities in perspective.</p>

<p>But yes, we all push each other. I think that’s one of the biggest advantages of this site. If you can’t go to an elite high school, you can measure yourself against that caliber of kids.</p>


oh absolutely, it’s relatively common. the 1900 is single sitting</p>


is that a joke? (or are you being sarcastic again lol) MIT EA acceptance rate is MUCH MUCH lower than yale EA, around 4-5% and 90% get deferred</p>

<p>… this is making me feel relatively lame for not knowing about CC until, well, two weeks ago? Three? Either way, I feel like I’ve found my way alright.</p>

<p>Here’s a useful link for those who are wondering where they place in the SAT spectrum.</p>

<p><a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools;

<p>This was actually the most recent report I could find that had the actual number of persons receiving a specific score. To my knowledge, the 2008 and 2009 does not include this information. Since the report was created in 2007, I imagine that the competition has only increased and one may expect more people scoring in the top percentiles.</p>

<p>So in 2007, the number of college-bound students scoring between 2350 to 2400, inclusive, was 1,849 people. Again, it is safe to assume that the number has gone up since.</p>

<p>Actually, this is the most recent report.
<a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/profdownload/sat_percentile_ranks_2008_composite_cr_m_w.pdf[/url]”>Higher Education Professionals | College Board;

Wow. Thanks for supplying the link, xaari. Looks as if there was a tumble in the 2390 - 2400 category. I wonder what happened?</p>

<p>^yeah strange huh</p>

<p>^2390 is the harder score to get, even harder than a 2400 :)</p>

<p>lol I got a 2390! woo people who are imperfect :D</p>

<p>I think we should move all the random chatter to the general SCEA thread. </p>

<p>It will be difficult for whoever is doing the analysis to interpret the pledge data if they have to filter through a bunch of unrelated conversations.</p>

<p>Just to remind people, please post the following if you would like to pledge to report your results:</p>

SAT II scores:
AP scores:
GPA (unweighted):
class rank:</p>

<p>(Feel free to include any additional information.)</p>

<p>State: CT
SAT (770/710/720) or ACT [BEST SET/ SUPERSCORED]:
SAT II scores: Bio: 740, Math II: 730
AP scores: Gov: 5 Bio: 5
GPA (unweighted): 3.89
Class rank: 1/400</p>

<p>id say for me:
20% chance rejected
40% deferred
40% accepted</p>

<p>State: IL
SAT: 2350 (800,790,760)
ACT: 35
SAT II: Math 2 780, US History 800, Chemistry 780, Biology M 740
AP Scores: 5s on Chem, Bio, Mechanics, Calc AB, US History
GPA: 4.0 UW
Rank: 1/not too many</p>


lol someone chanced me and said I had a 50% EA but 75% RD</p>

<p>State: Nebraska (haha I am probably the one kid from this state applying)
SAT (M/CR/W) 2340 (760/800/780)—took one time
SAT II scores: Bio: 790 and US: 770
AP scores: Bio: 5, US: 5, Lang: 5
GPA (unweighted):4.0
class rank:1/324</p>

<li>Tres Elefantes</li>

<p>State: NY
SAT (M/CR/W) or ACT: 2150 (770/700/680)
SAT II scores: Chem 740, Bio-M 740, Math 1 660
AP scores: Euro 4, Chem 4, Bio 5, AP Lang 5, US History 5
GPA (unweighted): 4.0
class rank: 2/703</p>

<p>lol, looks like I am definitely at the bottom of the applicant pool, at least out of you guys. good luck everyone.</p>

<p>State: FL
SAT (M/CR/W) or ACT: 2300 (800/730/770) — took one time
SAT II scores: Math II: 800; Spanish w/o listening: 800
AP scores: Calc AB 5, Psych 5, Eng 4, Chem 4
GPA (unweighted): 3.75
class rank: top 1%
Hispanic, IB student, NMS Semifinalist (so far)</p>

<li>Tres Elefantes</li>

<p>My stats:
Country: Pakistan
SAT (M/CR/W) or ACT: 2370 (770/800/800)
SAT II scores: Math II 800, Bio E 800, Physics 800
AP scores: Calc AB 5, Physics 5, Bio 5, W.Hist 5, Microecon 5, Macroecon 5
GPA (unweighted): 3.98
class rank: Unsure</p>

<li>Tres Elefantes</li>

<p>Hopefully we’ll all get in :)</p>

<p>State: IL
SAT (M/CR/W) or ACT (took both only once): 2230 (750/720/750), 34
SAT II scores: Japanese 800, US His 780, Lit 760
AP scores: none! (there are special circumstances which probably will neither hurt nor help me)
GPA (unweighted): 3.96
class rank: like 6/560</p>

<li>Tres Elefantes</li>

<p>Hoping for a deferral here!</p>