Yale Application Conundrum

<p>I am applying to Yale EA. I took the SAT last year and got a dismal 1860. I am taking it again on the 6th October and I expect from my pratcise test scores to get a lot higher..nearer 2200.</p>

<p>Should I submit my application now without the improved (hopefully) sat scores? Would Yale disregard the application because of the lower SAT score frmom before? The october results come out on 25th October...so should I wait?</p>

<p>I'm taking into aaccount that Yale reccomends sending aapplications early in this year.</p>

<p>Any help would be great!</p>


<p>Bump. I'm in a similar boat. Almost all of my app is finished except the test scores. The ACT rudely reminded me of this fact this very morning! (Groan)</p>

<p>i think it's fine, because they are going to get your scores before they convene anyways. on the website it even says november scores will likely get to them before they convene, so oct scores should be totally fine. however, since there's not really a difference between submitting the app now or oct 25, i'd say just wait so you can put the scores on there yourself. that's what i'd do just because i'd hate to wonder "what if" later on in the case of a rejection. good luck :)</p>

<p>That's a good way to look at it. Thank you, I think I'll wait.</p>