<p>Hi!! I am new at CC.My son has been admitted to both Yale and Princeton for Engineering,specifically for Chem Eng.We are torn between both.I know Engineering at Pton is much better than Yale.But then Yale sounds like a happier school than Pton.-my impression after reading various posts on CC.Also my son loves to write poems,write songs,sing,plays guitar,dances and makes friends easily.I know Pton is great and keeping in mind the engineering dept our obvious choice should be Pton.But then again people here at CC,that is students and parents,both seem to be happier with Yale in terms of friendliness,atmosphere,administration etc.I want my kid to enjoy his 4 years at college in every way possible.We have Caltech also to consider but are putting it 3rd on our priority list only for the fact that we feel that he would be happier in a more versatile atmosphere than only a science and math kind of atmosphere.I know we are so so so lucky to be given these fantastic choices but we could never imagine that it would so difficult to make that final decision.He will be going to both Bulldogs and Princeton Preview and may end up visiting Caltech too.
My first question is can anybody out here on CC give me their impression and experience of Pton eng and same goes for Yale eng.
My second question is that is it true that at Yale the Eng students feel left out and may be looked down upon as Yale is not exaactly famous for Engineering.And also many of Eng kids change their major because of the atmosphere at Yale not being exactly very science and mathsy?? Thanks for your time.A confused parent.</p>
<p>I enrolled planning on ChE or Chem. I ended up switching b/c I realized I wasn’t as dedicated to that program as I thought. Instead, I was lured away by Yale’s other tremendous offerings. This isn’t a slam on Yale Chem but rather me, being at the buffet table of Yale’s various departments! </p>
<p>Subsequently, I have realized that Yale Engineering (at that time) wasn’t as highly regarded outside. But that’s not the reason I chose Yale regardless.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t say any major’s students feel left out or looked down upon. No one can fully partake of Yale’s resources so that would be silly – we’re all rather puny in that context. That being said, I knew some super science/math folks while I was there. One of my best friends is now a professor while another went to Law School and is now an attorney for the US Govt in scientific affairs.</p>
<p>And a goodly number of sci/math/eng went on to Med school too.</p>
<p>If you trust your son’s intuition, I’d let him feel each out. Certainly Pton and Yale are more similar than Caltech. He won’t go wrong with any of them. Congrats to you and him!</p>
<p>Thanks a lot T26E4.
My son will be attending BDD and PP both to take an informed decision,so to say.
I want him to enjoy his 4 years of college thoroughly.Thanks once again for your honest views.</p>
<p>Nah. While I do get the impression that Yale students are wildly happy, that’s also the vibe at Princeton. (While we’re making enormous generalizations, it’s Harvard that usually gets slammed with a reputation for student unhappiness.) There’s a reason our alumni giving rate is so high (6X%) and why so many people return for the annual Reunions (learn more here: <a href=“http://alumni.princeton.edu/goinback/reunions/[/url]”>http://alumni.princeton.edu/goinback/reunions/</a>). If your DS is serious about the arts, the opportunities at Princeton through the Lewis Center–particularly creative writing, as our faculty includes authors Jeffrey Eugenides and Joyce Carol Oates and poets Michael Dickman, CK Williams, etc–are outstanding. I can’t speak for Yale’s arts opportunities, though I know it has a reputation as the “artsier” of the HYP.</p>
<p>Honestly, your son sounds like my RCA (residential college adviser): fun-loving, friendly, and relaxed. He’d certainly fit in at Princeton–although that’s not to say the same wouldn’t be true of Yale.</p>
<p>I guess my point is that if the question comes down to happiness and ChemE, Yale has no edge in happiness, but Princeton does in ChemE. (Of course, majors are liable to change, so the engineering rankings may turn out to be irrelevant.) Moreover, 20% of Princeton undergrads are engineers, so there’s a community of kids in the same set of classes to turn to for help with problem sets and studying.</p>
<p>Best of luck to your son! What a fantastic dilemma to have.</p>
I agree with you and P should be the obvious choice but kid went to Yale for a day and loved it.Says that he will have a blast at Y for sure.I think it’s partly due to the fact that we are 40 minutes away from P so the ‘lure of the Wild’ card comes into play here.He will be going to Princeton Preview and then decide.
Hopefully will enjoy PP equally and get positive vibes at P.Keeping my fingers crossed.
We have left it on him to make the final decision.
The title should have been:
“if the question comes down to happiness and ChemE, Yale has no edge in happiness, but Princeton does in ChemE”</p>
<p>I hope your son enjoys Preview! My friends and I are excited to be hosts.</p>
<p>Glassesarechic, you do your school proud by not bashing Yale while you are standing up for Princeton. Your civility is appreciated!</p>
<p>lemonade1, I didn’t get the impression there was any Yale bashing. The only potential negative comment was that P has an edge in ChemE, hardly bashing IMHO.</p>
<p>Kdog, I was being complimentary, not sarcastic. I thought that Glassesarechic made a nice, respectful post. Sometimes these school comparisons get negative, and that was not the case here.</p>
<p>Oops, I missed the “you” before “do”. My apologies. :o I agree with you that is was a very good post without putting down the other school.</p>