Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Hello. Any international applicants got interviews yet?

not yet.

I just found out from someone that the deadline for interview reports to be submitted for SCEA applicants (and idt this is unique to Yale) is Dec 1, meaning that if an interview is going to happen for you, it basically must happen within this following week.

…I’ll keep my fingers crossed for now, but hope this information is helpful to some! :slight_smile:

On the topic of interviews, and coming from an admissions advisor, here are some friendly reminders for you all:

  • Keep It Cordial. Think of this as a friendly conversation for you two to learn more about each other. Don't think of this as another component of your application, but rather as a way for Yale (or any other academic institution) to get to know you "off the page."
  • Learn About Them. Notice how I said to "learn more about each other." Ask questions! Make an effort to learn about the other person -- bilateral dialogue goes a long way in building rapport with the person you're speaking with.
  • Be Confident. As with any social interaction, display good posture (even through video chat), speak with assertion and passion, and show that you are meant to be at Harvard.
  • Be Relatable. Going hand-in-hand with being cordial, stay calm and collected during the meeting. Being funny, wearing a smile, and speaking as if this is a normal conversation with a friend will set you up for success.

Feel free to reach out with any other questions.

Ethan (AimIvy)

I doubt this… they probably won’t even have decided till like the 13th.

@applicant42025 It is actually due December 1st; all alumni from Yale must finish interviewing by that date. It’s actually in their alumni interviewing instructions

^That is correct. Dec 1 is the requested deadline for reports.

Poland here, me neither :frowning:

My daughter applied SCEA and no interview. I am going to guess test optional means many more applicants to Yale than usual and they don’t have enough people to get interviews done.


Anyone from southern california?


From Thailand, no interview yet, my D applies music, w/no SAT submit.

Just got my interview even though I already lost my hope haha
I’m Polish and I live in Switzerland if it changes anything.

Any more Polish/Swiss people here?

Anyone from Texas gotten one?

Jersey here - no interview

I hadn’t thought of that but yes that makes so much more sense! I also think they that really are only doing interviews for those whose apps didn’t really have everything Yale wanted! Trying to stay positive and think that I still have a chance especially since my app (imo) said everything it needed to say!

Poland here :))) Have a great time on your interview!

My daughter did get interview, we are in TX

Perhaps it Important to remember (especially for those who havened received an offer) that the interview doesn’t mean anything about the quality of the application nor the chances of being accepted. According to the Yale website, there are many applicants that have gained a seat in an incoming class without having been interviewed.