Yale Class of 2027 Official Thread

Was deferred but yes had interviews. Others who got in from earlier posts did have interview. There were also some applicants who got in and did not have an interview. For Yale- it’s based on availability. A student in my DD’s school who applied to Yale RD was interviewed last month.


What area are you from?

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MD - basically DMV/Baltimore area


Friend of mine got a likely!!!


did they get an interview before?

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That prob means by now all applications have been read by the first reviewer but not as of yet gone through the admissions committee. Congrats to your friend/ they really want him/her to attend Yale.

That’s wonderful. How many days after the interview did they receive the likely letter?

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First my big congrats! Did they have an interview, if so when? What regoin are you from?

what is that?

My DD and her friend both got likely letters yesterday. Super excited! DD did interview at end of January. We are located in MA.


That’s awesome. Congratulations!!
What is her intended major if I may ask?

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Best wishes! :clap::clap:

My friend interviewed late Jan. We go to boarding school in NJ, but he’s from a different northeastern state. He’s really into STEM, which makes sense.

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I received a request for an interview a little over a week ago. I responded right away and checked in again several days later after no response but the guy has ghosted me ever since the first email. Not sure what I should do. Just continue to wait for a response? :sob:

Maybe send a followup email to the interviewer?

A likely letter is an early notification of acceptance. They cannot technically state that the student is being admitted (ahead of notifying everyone else) so the letter will say the student is very likely to be accepted, or something like that. Hence it’s called a likely letter.

In RD, it’s sent to highly desirable applicants that the school wants to enroll. Very few are generally sent out - the vast majority of accepted students will not get such a letter.


I got deferred REA, and a “Verification Statement of Household Information” form just appeared on my FA checklist yesterday.Does this indicate anything, and how should I access/submit this document?


They recommend everything submitted to IDOC.