Yale Class of 2027 Official Thread

Did they both get likely letters after an interview?


edit: deleted!

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My daughter applied regular decision to Yale
She had her interview last month and we are beyond excited that she has gotten a call from her admissions officer and has received a likely letter




That’s awesome! What sort of “extras” does she bring to the table in this admission pool of so many great students.

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Congrats! Did she have a senior interview? When did the AO schedule a call?

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She had an alumni interview in January. She got an email from the AO last Tuesday and she spoke with her later that evening. After telling her over the phone, she sent the likely letter immediately via email and we are expecting the official one in the mail.

We are in Tennessee


Congrats- this def is an early acceptance!

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Not sure what sways these admission decisions really.

She has strong academics and her soccer team has won state twice.

She has pioneered a mentoring program between middle and high schoolers and won a Jefferson award for that in our city.
She works with the Mayor’s office also to crea and organize programs for the youth in the city.

She felt very good about her interview and the AO said she loved her essays.


So checks a lot of boxes with state and regional awards. Seems like at min that’s what’s needed these days.
Good luck to her! She sounds like a great person.

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Congratulations! Does anyone know when the official likely letter gets sent in the mail? And are the official likely letters standard wording for all the likely candidates?


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Did anyone got an interview from Yale to southern Cal?

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Nothing yet

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Did any RD in northern Virginia get an interview?

Nope in Central Virginia.


No, in northern Virginia.

Thank you!

No in L.A.

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Yes in central VA and in northern va: one is family friend, one is my D. Both email requests came early January.