Yale College Website Finally has more info. regarding EA

<p>Although almost all of us know that results are to be released Dec. 15th (despite some speculation as to whether it is coming out tomorrow), the Yale College website added some more details regarding EA. </p>

<p>When and how will Early Action admissions decisions for the Class of 2013 be available?
We hope to make decisions available online during the evening of Monday, December 15, 2008. We will mail decision letters the following day. These letters should arrive within a few days for applicants residing in the United States. Applicants from abroad may find that the letters take considerably more time to arrive. Please watch the admissions Web site for more information. If there is going to be a delay in posting the decisions online for any reason, you will find an announcement on our front page at Welcome</a> to Yale College, Office of Undergraduate Admissions.</p>

<p>Subconsciously, I was looking forward to a Friday admit date, but I guess we can't get what we all want.</p>

<p>By the way, this is my first post and I'm new to CC after being a lurker for about 5 months. I know...it took me a long time.</p>

<p>my college counselor is convinced it’ll be friday (tmrw)
which would be nice if it werent my birthday and i wasnt expecting bad news</p>

<p>I think it’s gonna be Monday. I mean, if they say it’s Monday, it probably WILL be Monday. :P</p>

<p>They left open the possibilty of pushing it back.</p>

<p>That is akin to like…cannibalism. Why oh why does Yale have like the Last Decision to Come out status.</p>

<p>we’ll all get in! i love everyone~!</p>

<p>HOPE to make them available on Monday?! That’s not what I want to hear.</p>

<p>I thought colleges were obligated to release EA decisions by 15.</p>

<p>Looks like Yale is trying to hold true to the saying, “leaving the best for last”. </p>

<p>-_- sigh.</p>

<p>It could be the worst.
Sorry for the pessimism</p>

<p>My birthday’s on Sunday, the day before Monday…I’m hoping for an early birthday present on Friday =]</p>

<p>You see guys- releasing on Monday is pretty pointless. The officers MUST have sorted everything out before they leave work, that is Friday evening. There is absolutely NO way that they will make additional decisions on Monday morning, am I right? So why prolong making decisions online until Monday? All the Ivies initially announced that they would post online decisions on 15th but they ALL changed to this week. Ahhh…Yale is sadistic… I’m an international applicant so that means 5-6 A.M. on Tuesday!!!</p>

<p>^ kimht90, I KNOW what you mean…</p>

<p>I mean im international too and it is 5-6am on Tuesday morning… yay. it seems sooo far away and yet, so close…</p>

<p>A friend’s counselor apparently was told that the admissions office is behind the original schedule (which is why the release time was pushed back an hour). </p>

<p>This information was received pretty recently, so it doesn’t seem likely that the decisions will be released tomorrow. However, my fingers are certainly crossed…</p>

<p>Yeah, I heard that they have made decisions already. This is SO annoying…
Why could they not move up their date? WHY?!</p>

<p>God, I feel compelled to anonymously send them a package of coffee with a note that says “Get to it.”</p>

<p>Just kidding, Yale AdComs reading this post on CC, I love you more than my right and left arms and maybe 1/2 a kidney.</p>

<p>Yale? Behind schedule? Tsk tsk!</p>

<p>This is my 299th post. I will do something epic with the 300th post and not post on here until the date of Armageddon has arrived.</p>

<p>Good luck with that, OneKing. I’m expecting big things. Very big things.</p>

<p>But le-gasp! Not post until D-Day? How am I supposed to amuse myself until then? =[</p>

<p>"If there is going to be a delay in posting the decisions online for any reason, you will find an announcement on our front page at <a href="http://www.yale.edu/admit.“&gt;www.yale.edu/admit.&lt;/a&gt;”&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Doubt it will be Friday! :(</p>

<p>noooo oneking, you have post on the daily list thread.</p>

<p>just make a 100 posts between now and monday at 5 and then use the 400th post as the special one.</p>