yale double major?

<p>How common/feasible is it to double major at yale? For example, politics and economics, with a minor in latin. Or something like the PPE program with a minor in comp sci?</p>

<p>i'm almost possitive that yale only offers majors (no minors :-( ). however, you could double major in eep (ethics, economics, and politics) and latin.</p>

<p>It's definitely possible. I'm going into architecture, and the dean of undergraduate studies told me quite a few architecture majors (even though there are only 50 or so in Yale College) double major - common ones I heard were architecture/economics and architecture/history (what I'm thinking about doing).</p>

<p>This is definitely from an unusual standpoint (not very popular major), but it just goes to show...</p>

<p>I met someone (a Yale freshman or sophomore) who said there were only two French majors last year and the others who were French majors double-majored with something else. It might be more common for language.. I know International Studies requires a second major.</p>