Yale EA Acceptees

<p>I was reading the article posted on the front page of the forum by Schwartz. In it he claims that Yale EA takes away a large amount of applicants from the HYPSM pool. What is the opinion of this board? Yale acceptees, will you be applying to more places or sticking with Yale? Is there any validity to Schwartz at all?</p>

<p>Anyone? 10char</p>

<p>^ There’s already a thread about this in the Yale 2013 forum.
Obviously a large majority of EA acceptees will be applying elsewhere, but mostly HPSM, in the regular round.</p>

<p>I actually had not planned on applying to Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, or MIT–even before accepted to Yale.</p>

<p>Yale was kinda my ultra-reach.</p>

<p>i am also apply to harvard and princeton RD, but even if I get in, I may still go to Yale. I want to wait till April to make a final decidion to make sure I make the right decision for me (after revisiting these schools).</p>

<p>Ephemeral - that’s exactly how I was! I was planning on applying to a lot of LACs and a few in-state universities, and Yale. My parents ended up convincing me in the end to apply to Princeton too, which I still am for FA reasons.</p>

<p>I am not applying HPSM, but I am keeping my applications in some other schools due to special science courses and whatnot. All I can say is, once you are into Yale, Yale wants you and makes it really hard for you not to love Yale and only Yale.</p>

<p>Once I got into Yale, all my other Common Applications to HPS, Cornell, Brown were never sent… Waste of money, and I like Yale the best…</p>

<p>I’m also applying to P for FA reasons, but I’ll probably end up matriculating at Yale.</p>

<p>But why the focus on Yale EA? Surely Stanford EA admissions have about as much impact on this same pool.</p>

<p>I’ve talked to several EA admits from my region and several of them are holding off for other offers from HPSM. I’ve only met one admit (in person) who was sure about Yale, principally because she’s a legacy. I had no HPSM ambitions, and I ended up applying to only a couple other places.</p>

<p>Probably because Yale has a slightly higher admit rate and is not as infamous as Stanford for rejecting all of the “ordinary” applicants.</p>