Yale Economics & duke vs fu vs northwestern


<p>I just wanted to know if Yale is good for economics?</p>

<p>What about Brown, Dartmouth and Columbia?</p>

<p>Also, is Duke Computer Sc.\Engg. as good as Columbia's Fu? I know their BME is damn good but CS\CE? What about Northwestern? Is it as good as, say, Cornell?</p>


<p>Brown Dartmouth Columbia and Duke are all good at economics around the same</p>

<p>Duke's CS isn't as strong as top programs but probably comparable to Columbia's FU. </p>

<p>Cornell's engineering is better overall, for CS and other ones besides BME, which Cornell doesn't have.</p>

<p>Yale and Northwestern are stronger than the rest in econ. However, their CS/compE are not as strong as Cornell's. So you are facing a dilemma.</p>


<p>Actually, out of all of those schools Columbia and Yale have the strongest Econ departments. Columbia has a few Nobel Prize winners in Econ who teach undergraduates (including freshman) every semester.</p>

<p>The Fu School is pretty good for CS. Not amazingly great, but its far above average. A friend of mine got his BS, MS and is now working on his PhD. at the Fu Foundation.</p>